Employee management system in C++



Its a documentation part for of an Employee Management System designed in C++. The entire documentation is a description for the application made. And, the application is entirely based on OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts. Further, If anybody wants the application (entire program) of the same, feel free to contact me, I will avail it as soon as possible.

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Level 2 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology 2014


S. No. Page No.

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... 2

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3

2. Project Description................................................................................................................. 4

2.1. Login Module .................................................................................................................. 4

2.2. Administration Module ................................................................................................... 4

2.3. Employee Module ........................................................................................................... 4

2.4. Identity Card (IC) Number Generation Module .............................................................. 4

2.5. Record Searching Module ............................................................................................... 5

3. Description and Justification .................................................................................................. 6

3.1. Design of the Implemented Code .................................................................................... 6

3.2. Implementation Code in terms of OOP Concepts ......................................................... 11

3.3.Validation Code Applied in the Implementation Code .................................................. 16

4. UML Diagrams .................................................................................................................... 20

4.1. Class Diagram ............................................................................................................... 20

4.2. Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................................... 21

5. Output Screens ..................................................................................................................... 22

6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 33

7. References ............................................................................................................................ 34

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To acknowledge and thank every individual who directly or indirectly contributed to

this venture personally, it would require an inordinate amount of time. I am deeply indebted

to many individual, whose cooperation made this job easier. I am thankful and express my

sincere gratitude to APIIT SD INDIA, Panipat for providing me an opportunity for fulfilling

my most cherished desire.

I avail this opportunity to express my gratitude to my friends and my parents for their support

and encouragement throughout project. I feel it is as a great pleasure to express my deep

sense of profound thank to Module Lecturer Mrs. Pradeep Kumar, who guided me at every

step and also encouraged to carry out the project.

Lastly, I would like to thank all those whose names may not have appeared here but whose

contribution has not gone unnoticed.

Jayant Kumar Gope

Intake No.: PT1282240

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The objective of this assignment is to develop a Win32 console application for an

Employee Management System, where it is expected to enter, search, edit and view

personnel information of the Employee in an Organization based on different access priority

and calculate their salary package.

We are required design the application by assuming that, this system will be installed only in

one terminal and used by all types of users, specially the Employee and the administrator of

this application. The main purpose of this application is to store and edit the complete

personal record of each Employee along with evaluation of salary (annually) in an

organization. And all information that is to be added and edited must be handled via text (.txt)

or data (.dat) file, so that the information can be uploaded back into the system once activated

or saved when the system is exited.

We are also required to incorporate the Validation throughout the application for each entry,

from the user in order to avoid logical errors.

We are supposed to describe, justify and implement an object oriented system by the


Introduce current technical issues in the field of object oriented programming (OOP). Thus,

predominantly our implementation code is expected to highlight the use of object oriented

programming principles (OOPS) such as:





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The project is evaluated deeply and it is discovered that, this project contains certain modules

that needs to be incorporated in the system design. So, for getting the better understanding of

the project, these modules are described below –

2.1. Login Module

It is one of the most important modules of the Employee Management System. Each

Employee of the system has to be assigned its own username and password. And the

assigning job is to be performed by the administrator.

The login module chiefly contains:

Administrator Login

Employee Login

2.2. Administrator Module

The administrator of the application has to be provided the highest access priority which

enables him/her to perform all the functionalities that exist in the application. In addition

to that, the administrator is able to register Employee.

The administrator is allowed to:

Register Employee as users of the system.

Add, search and edit personal information of Employee.

Delete record of any Employee.

Calculate salary package of Employees.

2.3. Employee Module

The Employee in this application has the lowest access priority that only enables him/her

to only view the personal information and the annual salary.

2.4. Identification Card (IC) Number Generation Module

Each employee in the application has to be assigned with its unique Identification Card

(IC) Number by which the employee can be identified uniquely for the operations and

this is automatically generated by the system.

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2.5. Record Searching Module

The searching of any record in the system must be done by using the following


IC Number



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3.1. Design of The Implementation Codes


In this Employee Management System, it has been already stated that, administrator

has the highest access priority that means he can perform each and every

functionality specified in the system. The functionalities he can perform includes add

employee, register employee so that employee can access the system, search, update,

delete the information of employees and can calculate salary of the employees.

And the lowest access priority is given to the employee who can only view his own

profile and annual salary.


As the access priorities of different users is being discussed-

a) Administrator given the highest priority in System

Justification - As we know that administrator of any organization has got all the

privileges and rights, so we also followed the same criteria in the system and

provided the administrator the highest priority amongst all users.

b) Employees given the Least Priority

Justification – Generally, the employee of any organization has not to do a lot

with the management system, as it is made for maintaining the organization data.

So, employee in the system is given the less priority than admin.

c) Use of Functions

Justification – Large programs are difficult to manage as a single list of

instructions. Thus, large programs are divided into smaller parts known as

functions. A function is a group of statements that together perform a task. The

functions can be invoked (Called) from other parts of the program. The most

important reason that we have used functions in a program because they make

the program handling easier.

void employeeAccess::viewEmployee() // Function Definition { system("cls");

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cout<<"\n"<<setw(54)<<right<<"---------------------------"; cout<<"\n"<<setw(53)<<right<<" VIEW EMPLOYEE PROFILE "; cout<<"\n"<<setw(54)<<right<<"---------------------------"; ifstream fin;

fin.open("employeeDetails.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); if(!fin) cout<<"File not found"; else { showHeading(); //function Call fin.read((char*)this,sizeof(*this)); while(!fin.eof()) { showEmployeeTable(); //function callS fin.read((char*)this,sizeof(*this)); } } fin.close(); }

d) Use of File Handling

Since, we were required to store all the information that is added and edited in

the text file, so that the information can be uploaded back into the system once

activated or saved when the system is exited. And through file handling,

operations like create, modify, delete etc can be performed thus file handling is


Below given snippet is of adding an employee in the project -

void employeeAccess::addEmployee() { system("cls"); cout<<"\n"<<setw(54)<<right<<"--------------------------"; cout<<"\n"<<setw(53)<<right<<" ADD EMPLOYEE PROFILE "; cout<<"\n"<<setw(54)<<right<<"--------------------------"; ifstream fin; employeeAccess temp; int id = 0; fin.open("employeeDetails.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); //opening file if(!fin) { id = id+1; } else { fin.read((char*)&temp, sizeof(temp)); //reading from file while(!fin.eof()) { id=temp.eICNumber; fin.read((char*)&temp, sizeof(temp)); //reading from file } id++; } eICNumber = id; getEmployeeDetails();

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ofstream fout; fout.open("employeeDetails.txt",ios::out|ios::app|ios::binary); if(!fout) cout<<"File can not open"; else fout.write((char*)this, sizeof(*this)); //writing to the file cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(50)<<right<<" EMPLOYEE ADDED "; fout.close(); cin.get(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); }

e) Use of Control Structures

Control structures controls the flow of the program. Basically there are three

types of control structures –

i) Sequential :

In sequential structure, the programs are executed sequentially in which they

are written. sequential structure specifies the normal flow of the program.

ii) Selection :

The selection structure means the execution of statements depends upon the

condition test. If the condition comes out to be true then, a set of statements

will be executed otherwise another set of statements will be executed. C

provides three types of Selection Structures.

a) if Statement :

This (if) statement performs the actions only, when the condition comes

out to be true and skips the statements when condition becomes false.

Below is the code given for calculating the salary -

double basicSalary, finalSalary; if(eDesignation == "CEO") { basicSalary= 50000; finalSalary = basicSalary + (0.70 * basicSalary) + (basicSalary * 0.20); } else if(eDesignation == "MD") { basicSalary= 35000; finalSalary = basicSalary + (0.50 * basicSalary) + (basicSalary * 0.20); } else if(eDesignation == "MGR") { basicSalary= 30000; finalSalary = basicSalary +(0.50 * basicSalary) + (basicSalary * 0.20);

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b) Switch Selection Structure:

The switch selection structure allows us to make decisions from number of

choices. This statement sequentially tests the values of an expression

against a list of integer or character constants. And when the match found,

the statements associated with that constant are executed. A snippet for

Switch case

switch(adminChoice) { case 1: { admin_Access.addEmployee(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; break; case 2: { admin_Access.searchEmployee(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; case 3: { admin_Access.viewEmployee(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; case 4: { admin_Access.updateEmployee(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; case 5: { admin_Access.deleteEmployee(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; case 6: { admin_Access.calculateSalary(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); } break; case 7: {

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cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(55)<<right<<"Are you SURE want to LOGOUT"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(46)<<right<<"[Y/N] : "; char YN; cin>>YN; if(YN == 'Y' || YN=='y') loginMenu.loginPage(); else adminOptions(); } break; default: { cout<<"\n"<<setw(56)<<right<<"____________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(48)<<right<<"INVALID CHOICE "<<adminChoice; cout<<"\n"<<setw(56)<<right<<"____________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(52)<<right<<"PRESS ENTER TO RENTER..."; cin.get(); cin.get(); adminOptions(); }

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3.2. Implementation Codes in Terms of Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming language model organized

around objects rather than "actions" and data rather than logic. Object Oriented

Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and can be defined as

the collection of cooperating objects in which each message is capable of sending and

receiving messages.

(Margaret Rouse, 2008)

The OOPs features that is used in the project are –






Let’s evaluate these features one by one –

1. Abstraction

Abstraction refers to the act of representing the essential features without including

the background details or explanations. It is the concept of simplifying a real world

into its essential elements.


The class “employeeAccess” created (code given below) in the project where only

the necessary information through public access specifier are given to the outside

world and rest of the things remain hidden, which is nothing but abstraction.

Class Definition (employeeAccess.h File)

class employeeAccess { public: virtual void mainMenu(); void getEmployeeDetails(); void addEmployee(); void registerEmployee(); void showEmployee(); void showEmployeeTable(); void viewEmployee(); void updateEmployee(); void deleteEmployee();

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void searchEmployee(); void generateICNumber(); void assignUser(); void assignPass(); void employeeMenu(); void employeeOptions(); void viewEmployeeProfile(); void viewEmployeeSalary(); void calculateSalary(); protected: int eICNumber; private: int eICNumber;

string eName, eGender, eQualification, eDesignation,eDepartment, eDateJoined, eNationality, eDOB, eMaritalStatus;// ePassword, eUsername;

char eUsername[15], ePassword[15]; };

2. Encapsulation (Class)

The wrapping up of data and operations / functions (that operate on the data) into a

single unit (called class) is known as encapsulation. It is the way of combining both

data and the functions that operate on the data under a single unit. Basic unit of

encapsulation is a class. Characteristics of an object are represented in a class as

Properties. Classes provide modularity and structure to the program.


The class “employeeAccess” (code given below) created in the project binds together

the data and its associated functions under one unit that is implementing


Class Definition (employeeAccess.h File)

class employeeAccess { public: virtual void mainMenu(); void getEmployeeDetails(); void addEmployee(); void registerEmployee(); void showEmployee(); void showEmployeeTable(); void viewEmployee(); void updateEmployee(); void deleteEmployee(); void searchEmployee(); void generateICNumber(); void assignUser(); void assignPass();

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void employeeMenu(); void employeeOptions(); void viewEmployeeProfile(); void viewEmployeeSalary(); void calculateSalary(); protected: int eICNumber; private: int eICNumber;

string eName, eGender, eQualification, eDesignation,eDepartment, eDateJoined, eNationality, eDOB, eMaritalStatus;// ePassword, eUsername;

char eUsername[15], ePassword[15]; };

Class Definition (login.h File)

class login { public: void loginPage(); };

3. Object

An object is the real world identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior.

It is basically an instance of a class and there can be more than one instance of a

class. Each instance of a class can hold its own relevant data. Memory is allocated

only when an object is created.

In programming one object requests another object to perform an action by sending a

message. The object which sends the message is called as the sender whereas the

object which receives the message is known as the receiver.


The objects instantiated in the project is –

employeeAccess temp; //Object Creation of employeeAccess class int id = 0;

fin.open("bookfile.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); if(!fin) { id = id+1; } else { fin.read((char*)&temp, sizeof(temp)); while(!fin.eof())

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{ id=temp.eICNumber; fin.read((char*)&temp, sizeof(temp)); } id++; }

4. Inheritance

Inheritance is the capability of one class of thing to inherit the capabilities or

properties from another class. It is the process of forming a new class from an

existing class. The existing class is called the base class or parent class or super class

and the new class formed is called derived or child. And the child class can also add

it additional features.

Benefits of using inheritance –

It provides the reusability of the code. Once a code is written in the parent class

there is no need to write the same code again in the child class.

Since, there is no need to write the code again and again thus helps in reducing

coding efforts of the programmer and saves time.

Types of inheritance –

i. Based Upon Class Hierarchy

Single Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance

Multilevel Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance

ii. Based Upon Access Specifiers





Inheritance applied on code –

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#include "employeeAccess.h" class adminAccess:public employeeAccess { }; Here class “adminAccess” inheriting the class “employeeAccess” (given below)

class employeeAccess { public: virtual void mainMenu(); void getEmployeeDetails(); void addEmployee(); void registerEmployee(); void showEmployee(); void showEmployeeTable(); void viewEmployee(); void updateEmployee(); void deleteEmployee(); void searchEmployee(); void generateICNumber(); void assignUser(); void assignPass(); void employeeMenu(); void employeeOptions(); void viewEmployeeProfile(); void viewEmployeeSalary(); void calculateSalary(); protected: int eICNumber; private: int eICNumber;

string eName, eGender, eQualification, eDesignation,eDepartment, eDateJoined, eNationality, eDOB, eMaritalStatus;// ePassword, eUsername;

char eUsername[15], ePassword[15]; };

5. Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the ability for a message or data to be processed in more than one

form. It is a feature of OOP which allows 2 or more methods to have the same name

within a class.

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3.3. Validation Codes Applied into the Implementation Codes

Validation is applied into the system for each entry from the user in order to avoid

logical errors. Below are the justification provided for the following.

1) Employee Name

The name of an employee cannot be a alphanumeric values and also it cannot contain

any special characters, and for that I have provided a validation.

Justification Code:

cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Employee Name:"; fflush(stdin); gets(eQualification); for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { int b=(int)eName[i]; if (b>0&&b<48||b>122&&b<127||(b>57&&b<65)||(b>90&&b<97)) { cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Name cannot contain SPECIAL CHARACTERS..."; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"_________________________________________________ __"; getName(); } }

2) Password

The password can be a combination of alphanumeric values and also can contain

special characters, but it must be more than 5 characters long and for that I have

provided the validation.

Justification Code:

void employeeAccess::getPassword() { cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Create Password (> 5 char):"; gets(ePassword); if(strlen(ePassword) <6) { cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Password is too short...try again"; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"____________________________________________"; getPassword(); } }

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3) Employee Gender

As an input for gender, the system accepts only two alphabetic characters M (male)

or F (female), for which the validation is provided.

Justification Code:

void employeeAccess::getGender() { cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Enter Gender [M/F]:"; fflush(stdin); gets(eGender); if((strcmp(eGender,"M")!=0 && strcmp(eGender,"m")!=0 && strcmp(eGender,"F")!=0 && strcmp(eGender,"f")!=0)) { cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Invalid Gender Status...Enter [M/UF]"<<eGender; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"______________________________________________"; getGender(); } }

4) Employee Designation

Since, for the input of employee designation the codes

(CEO/MD/MGR/GM/AM/SPV/LBR) are specified. So, only the specified set of

codes is expected as an input and for which the validation is provided.

Justification Code:

void employeeAccess::getDesignation() { cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Employee Designation:"; cout<<"\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"(CEO/MD/MGR/GM/AM/SPV/LBR):"; fflush(stdin); gets(eDesignation); if((strcmp(eDesignation,"CEO")!=0) && (strcmp(eDesignation,"MD")!=0) && (strcmp(eDesignation,"MGR")!=0)&& (strcmp(eDesignation,"GM")!=0)&& (strcmp(eDesignation,"AM")!=0) && (strcmp(eDesignation,"SPV")!=0)&& (strcmp(eDesignation,"LBR")!=0)) { cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(17)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Enter Valid Designation (CEO/MD/MGR/GM/AM/SPV/LBR)"; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________”; getDesignation(); } }

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5) Employee Department

Since, for the input of employee department the codes (HR/MKT/PRO/QA) are

specified. So, only the specified set of codes is expected as an input and for which

the validation is provided.

Justification Code:

void employeeAccess::getMaritalStatus() { cout<<"\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Employee Marital Status [M/U]:"; fflush(stdin); gets(eMaritalStatus); if((strcmp(eMaritalStatus,"M")!=0 && strcmp(eMaritalStatus,"m")!=0 && strcmp(eMaritalStatus,"U")!=0 && strcmp(eMaritalStatus,"u")!=0)) { cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Invalid Marital Status...Enter [M/U]"<<eMaritalStatus; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"______________________________________________"; getMaritalStatus(); } }

6) Date of Joining

Date of joining should be in the format of “DD/MM/YYYY” and it will be numeric

only. And thus for taking input as “DD/MM/YYYY” validation is provided.

7) Date of Birth

The validation of date of birth is same as for date of joining.

8) Marital Status

As an input for marital status, the system accepts only two alphabetic characters M

(for married) or U (unmarried), for which the validation is provided.

Justification Code:

void employeeAccess::getGender() { cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Enter Gender [M/F]:"; fflush(stdin); cin>>eGender; if(eGender != 'M' || eGender != 'm' || eGender != 'F' || eGender != 'f') {

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cout<<setw(68)<<right<<"___________________________________________________"; cout<<"\n\n"<<right<<setw(25)<<" "; cout<<setw(30)<<left<<"Invalid Gender...Enter [M/F]"<<eGender; cout<<"\n"<<setw(68)<<right<<"____________________________________________"; getGender(); } }

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4.1. Class Diagram

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4.2. Use Case Diagram


View Employee


Update Employee



EmployeeSearch Employee

Delete Employee





Add Employee



Calculate Salary



Employee Management System


By IC Number


By Designation«extends»

By Department







View Profile


View Salary Package


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1) Start Screen

2) Administrator Login Screen

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3) Administrator Menu Screen

4) Add Employee Screen

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5) Search Employee Menu Screen

6) Search Employee By IC Number Screen

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7) Search Employee By Designation Screen

8) Search Employee By Department Screen

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9) View All Employee Profile Screen

10) Update Employee Screen

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11) Update Employee Re-Enter Details Screen

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12) Delete Employee Screen

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13) View Employee Salary Screen

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14) Admin Logout Screen

15) Employee Login Screen

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16) Employee Menu Screen

17) View Employee Salary Screen

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18) View Employee Profile Screen

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It was a great experience to design and implement the Employee Management System by

using an Object Oriented Programming Language C++ and to work on its documentation.

While working on this project, I have learned many things especially how to apply the

concepts of OOP paradigm in modelling of real world systems.

This assignment helped me to get the better understanding to develop and derive new class

structures and organise them such that they will model real world systems within computers.

It also helped me in getting in the better understanding of basic programming concepts of

C++ language such as loops, control structure, arrays, file handling etc.

In this assignment, I have used almost every concepts of C++ language, I had learned. I have

also provided validations throughout the system for avoiding logical errors, used excellent

logic related comments with proper indentation and the OOPs concept in an excellent


After doing this assignment, I am in position to explain object oriented programming

concepts and apply them to the modelling of real world systems by utilizing its offered


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1) Arora, S. 2010, Computer Science with C++, 6th ed., New Delhi, Dhanpat Rai & Co.

2) Balaguruswamy E. 2006, Object Oriented Programming with C++, New Delhi, Tata

McGraw Hill.

3) Kanithkar Y.P. 2004, Let Us C++, 3rd

ed., New Delhi, BPB Publication.

4) Deitel P.J., & Dietel H.M. 2010, C++ How to Program, 7th

ed., New Delhi, PHI Learning.

5) Object Oriented programming Concepts in C++. 2014. Object Oriented programming

Concepts in C++. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.studytonight.com/cpp/cpp-and-

oops-concepts.php. [Accessed 07 November 2014].

6) Java OOPs Concepts - Javatpoint. 2014. Java OOPs Concepts - Javatpoint. [ONLINE]

Available at: http://www.javatpoint.com/java-oops-concepts. [Accessed 07 November


7) E Balagurusamy, A.E. 1994, Object oriented Programming with C++ Third Edition,

McGraw-Hill, London