Designing The Right Schema To Power Heap (PGConf Silicon Valley 2016)


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Designing The Right Schema To Power Heap

Dan Robinson CTO, Heap

• Joined as Heap's first hire in July, 2013

• Previously a backend engineer at Palantir

• Stanford '11 in Math and CS



• What is Heap?

• Why is what we're building such a difficult data problem?

• Four different ways we've tried to solve it.

bookHotelButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Analytics.track('Booked Hotel');});

listingDetailPage.addEventListener("load", function() { Analytics.track('Viewed A Listing');});


if (signInAttempt.isSuccessful) { Analytics.track('Signed In');}


submitCreditCardButton.addEventListener("click", function() { Analytics.track('Entered Credit Card');}

Analytics is fundamentally iterative.

Capture everything that happens.

Analyze the data retroactively.

Challenges1. Capturing 10x to 100x as much data.

Will never care about 95% of it.

Challenges1. Capturing 10x to 100x as much data.

Will never care about 95% of it.

2. Funnels, retention, behavioral cohorts, grouping, filtering... can't pre-aggregate.

Challenges1. Capturing 10x to 100x as much data.

Will never care about 95% of it.

2. Funnels, retention, behavioral cohorts, grouping, filtering... can't pre-aggregate.

3. Within a few minutes of real-time.

1. Data is mostly write-once, never update.

2. Queries map nicely to relational model.

3. Events have a natural ordering (time) which is mostly monotonic.

4. Analyses are always in terms of defined events.

Possibly Useful Observations

Attempt #1: Vanilla Boyce-Codd

CREATE TABLE user ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, properties JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE TABLE session ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, session_id BIGINT, time BIGINT NOT NULL, properties JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE TABLE pageview ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, session_id BIGINT, pageview_id BIGINT, time BIGINT NOT NULL, properties JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE TABLE event ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, session_id BIGINT, pageview_id BIGINT, event_id BIGINT, time BIGINT NOT NULL, properties JSONB NOT NULL);


1. Simple, easy to understand.

2. Can express basically all analysis in plain old SQL. Plays nicely with ORMs. Just works.

3. Not much surface area for data inconsistencies.

Pros Of Schema #1

1. Simple, easy to understand.

2. Can express basically all analysis in plain old SQL. Plays nicely with ORMs. Just works.

3. Not much surface area for data inconsistencies.

You should basically always start here.

Pros Of Schema #1

Pro: got us to launch!

Con: too many joins, even for simple analyses. Queries too slow for large customers.

1. Data is mostly write-once, never update.

2. Queries map nicely to relational model.

3. Events have a natural ordering (time) which is mostly monotonic.

4. Analyses are always in terms of defined events.

5. Aggregations partition cleanly at the user level.

Possibly Useful Observations

Attempt #2: Denormalize Everything Onto The User

CREATE TABLE user_events ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, time_first_seen BIGINT NOT NULL, properties JSONB NOT NULL, events JSONB[] NOT NULL);


funnel_events(events JSONB[], pattern_array TEXT[]) RETURNS int[]-- Returns an array with 1s corresponding to steps completed-- in the funnel, 0s in the other positions

count_events(events JSONB[], pattern TEXT) RETURNS int-- Returns the number of elements in `events` that-- match `pattern`.

SELECT funnel_events( ARRAY[ '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 10}', -- first event '{"foo": "abc", "baz": 30}', -- second event '{"foo": "dog", "city": "san francisco"}' -- third event ], ARRAY[ '"foo"=>"abc"', -- matches second event '"city"=>like "%ancisco"' -- matches third event ]);

SELECT funnel_events( ARRAY[ '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 10}', -- first event '{"foo": "abc", "baz": 30}', -- second event '{"foo": "dog", "city": "san francisco"}' -- third event ], ARRAY[ '"foo"=>"abc"', -- matches second event '"city"=>like "%ancisco"' -- matches third event ]);

--------> emits {1, 1}

SELECT funnel_events( ARRAY[ '{"foo": "bar", "baz": 10}', -- first event '{"foo": "abc", "baz": 30}', -- second event '{"foo": "dog", "city": "san francisco"}' -- third event ], ARRAY[ '"san"=>like "%ancisco"' -- matches third event '"foo"=>"abc"', -- nothing to match after third event ]);

--------> emits {1, 0}

SELECT sum( funnel_events( events, ARRAY['"type"=>"pageview","path"=>"/signup.html"', '"type"=>"submit","hierarchy"=>like "%@form;#signup;%"'] ))FROM user_eventsWHERE customer_id = 12345

--------> emits something like {110, 20}

1. No joins, just aggregations.

2. Can run pretty sophisticated analysis via extensions like funnel_events.

3. Easy to distribute.

4. Event arrays are TOASTed, which saves lots of disk space and I/O.

Pros Of Schema #2

1. Can't index for defined events, or even event fields.

2. Can't index for event times in any meaningful sense.

3. Arrays keep growing and growing...

Limitations Of Schema #2

CREATE TABLE user_events ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, properties JSONB NOT NULL, time_first_seen BIGINT NOT NULL, time_last_seen BIGINT NOT NULL, events JSONB[] NOT NULL, events_last_week JSONB[] NOT NULL);


SELECT sum( funnel_events( events_last_week, ARRAY['"type"=>"pageview","path"=>"/signup.html"', '"type"=>"submit","hierarchy"=>like "%@form;#signup;%"'] ))FROM user_eventsWHERE customer_id = 12345 AND time_first_seen < query_timerange_end AND time_last_seen > query_timerange_begin

1. Can't index for defined events, or even event fields.

2. Can't index for event times in any meaningful sense.

3. Arrays keep growing and growing...

4. Write path is very painful.

Limitations Of Schema #2

1. Adding one event to a user requires rewriting the whole user. (Cost over time is quadratic in size of user!)

2. Schema bloats like crazy, requires maxing out autovacuum.

3. Simple maintenance is expensive.

Write Path Of Schema #2

About 500 GB of bloat!

VACUUM FULL Friday night

1. Data is mostly write-once, never update.

2. Queries map nicely to relational model.

3. Events have a natural ordering (time) which is mostly monotonic.

4. Analyses are always in terms of defined events which are very sparse.

5. Aggregations partition cleanly at the user level.

Possibly Useful Observations

Attempt #3: Denormalized Events, Split Out From Users

CREATE TABLE user ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, properties JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE TABLE event ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, event_id BIGINT, time BIGINT, data JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE INDEX confirmed_checkout_idx ON event (time) WHERE (data ->> 'path') = '/checkout' AND (data ->> 'action') = 'click' AND (data ->> 'css_hierarchy') LIKE '%div.checkout_modal%a.btn' AND (data ->> 'target_text') = 'Confirm Order'

CREATE INDEX confirmed_checkout_idx ON event (time) WHERE (data ->> 'path') = '/checkout' AND (data ->> 'action') = 'click' AND (data ->> 'css_hierarchy') LIKE '%div.checkout_modal%a.btn' AND (data ->> 'target_text') = 'Confirm Order'


SELECT COUNT(*) AS value, date_trunc('month', to_timestamp(time / 1000) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') AS time_bucketFROM eventWHERE customer_id = 135 AND time BETWEEN 1424437200000 AND 1429531200000 AND (data ->> 'path') = '/checkout' AND (data ->> 'action') = 'click' AND (data ->> 'css_hierarchy') LIKE '%div.checkout_modal%a.btn' AND (data ->> 'target_text') = 'Confirm Order'GROUP BY time_bucket

Partial Index Strategy• Structure the event table such that every event

definition is a row-level predicate on it.

• Under the hood, Heap maintains one partial index for each of those predicates.

• The variety of events that Heap captures is massive, so any individual event definition is very selective.

• Fits perfectly into our "retroactive" analytics framework.

General Read-Path Strategy• All analyses shard cleanly by (customer_id, user_id),

and every query is built from a sparse set of events.

• Simple meta-formula for most analysis queries:

1. Build up an array of relevant events for each user

2. Pass the array to a custom UDF

3. Join arbitrarily for more filtering, grouping, etc

1. Excellent read performance, with a few caveats.

2. Flexible event-level indexing and query tuning makes it easier to make new analyses fast.

3. Much, much less write-time I/O cost.

4. PostgreSQL manages a lot of complexity for us.

Pros Of Schema #3

1. Expensive to maintain all those indexes!

2. Lack of meaningful statistics for the query planner.

3. Bigger disk footprint by ~2.5x.

4. Some of the assumptions are a bit restrictive / don't degrade gracefully.

Limitations Of Schema #3

1. Data is mostly write-once, never update.

2. Queries map nicely to relational model.

3. Events have a natural ordering (time) which is mostly monotonic.

4. Analyses are always in terms of defined events which are very sparse and predictable to a degree.

5. Aggregations partition cleanly at the user level.

Possibly Useful Observations

Attempt #4: Denormalized Events, Common Fields Extracted

CREATE TABLE event ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, event_id BIGINT, time BIGINT, data JSONB NOT NULL);


CREATE TABLE event ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, event_id BIGINT, time BIGINT, type TEXT, hierarchy TEXT, target_text TEXT, ... data JSONB NOT NULL);


1. Dataset is ~30% smaller on disk.

2. Query planner has much more information to work with, can use it in more ambitious ways.

Pros Of Schema #4

CREATE TABLE event ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, event_id BIGINT, time BIGINT, type TEXT, -- btree hierarchy TEXT, -- gin target_text TEXT, ... -- more btrees in here data JSONB NOT NULL);


Can now combine indexes on these!


1. Dataset is ~30% smaller on disk.

2. Query planner has much more information to work with, can use it in more ambitious ways.

3. Can get rid of ~60% of partial indexes and replace them with small set of simpler indexes.

Pros Of Schema #4

1. Costs ~50% less CPU on write.

2. Costs ~50% more I/O on write.

3. Eliminates of a lot of edge cases, degrades more gracefully.

Tradeoffs From Mixed Indexing Strategy

CREATE TABLE user ( customer_id BIGINT, user_id BIGINT, properties JSONB NOT NULL, identity TEXT);


How do you represent user moves?

Future Work

• Partitioning the events table, many options here.

• Supporting a much more heterogeneous dataset.

• New analysis paradigms.

• Many, many others. (Did I mention we're hiring?)

PostgreSQL Wishlist• Ability to move table data with indexes.

• Partial indexes and composite types have lots of gotchas if you want index-only scans.

• Better ability to keep the visibility map up to date, without constant VACUUMing.

• Distributed systems features.

Questions? Or, ask me on twitter: @danlovesproofs
