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Best Engineering Colleges in India Technical Scholars Briefed Android M

Do you have curious for latest updates in the sector of Android apps development? Are you interested to know about the launch of upcoming Android version? If yes, just give your time to know about Android M, as highlighted by top-class technicians worldwide, including technical scholars of best engineering colleges in India.

Android M acts as the working title of future release of the mobile operating system operating on Android. Technological experts have highlighted about its launch during Google I/O Conference of 2015. Android M will mainly focus on various incremental improvements and addition of countless interesting features.

Redesigned Permission model

Technical scholars of best engineering colleges in India said that Android M will introduce redesigned type of permission model comprises of only eight different categories of permission. In addition, app designers have planned to include a suitable opt-in system that prompts users in granting or denying of individual permissions, like abilities of accessing microphones or camera devices to any particular application based on requirements.

Best thing about the new version is that only those applications, which remained compiled for Android M with the help of SDK or Software Development Kits will get the opportunity to utilize new permission framework, along with various other applications continue to use former permissions models.