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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning EngineeringPolytechnic State of Bandung


Made by :

1.Andika Jamal Nurganda 1516110042.Putri Sintia Sari 1516110213.Rizki Verdian 151611025

Instrumentation Lectures and Supervisor

• Ary Surjanto, ST., MT.• Drs. Ismail Wellid, MT.• Muhammad Arman, ST., S.Psi M.Eng.• C. Bambang Dwi Kuncoro, ST., MT.• Pratikto, Dr., Drs., MT.


Conditions of limited water resources have been impaired as a result of climate change led to the need of water for agricultural purposes increasingly competitive. This condition can cause an imbalance between supply and demand of water for plant. The problem of shortage or excess of water will cause the plant can not grow and produce its optimum. Overcoming the lack of water to improve the productivity and efficiency of irrigation water use, need an effective and efficient technology implementation for irrigation management. Thus, the existence of an automatic irrigation system using Arduino Uno based on microcontroller is expected to be useful to facilitate irrigation in agriculture especially for greenhouse. Greenhouse is very important in supporting agricultural productivity due to the greenhouse are controlled environmental conditions ranging from sun / light, humidity, temperature and the amount of irrigation.

The purpose in making this project is intended to allow students to:

1. Creating a prototype watering or irrigation system automatically by utilizing electronic components and instrumentation.

2. Understand the working principle and function of each component used.

3. Assembling and connecting the circuit to the microcontroller.4. Using a programming language for sending commands to

components using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

5. Fulfilling the value of one of the tasks of subjects Instrumentation.



Automatic Irrigation System is a prototype for a system of irrigation or watering automatically based on the Arduino microcontroller integrated with proximity sensors (Ultrasonic Sensor), the DC motor and the pump using LED indicator lights.

At first a pump will stream water to hydroponic media cyclical. When nutrients into the water container, the ultrasonic sensors mounted in the water reservoir will read the fall of the flow of nutrients and ultrasonic sensors will turn off the pump and run a DC motor for stirring the water and nutrients that exist in the container until water and nutrients mixed (such nutrients obtained from group previous), so the red LED will light up. When the distribution of nutrients have been exhausted, the ultrasonic sensor will not read the flow rate or not functioning. DC motors do not work when the distribution of nutrients have been depleted, but the pump will work as before and the white LED will light up as an indicator that the pump is working.



Arduino Uno


HC-SR04 is an ultrasonic ranging module that provides 2 cm to 400 cm non-contact measurement function. The ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm and effectual angle is < 15°. It can be powered from a 5V power supply.

Ultrasonic Sensor

Relay Module

Direct current motor works on the principal, when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque and has a tendency to move.

Motor DC 12V

Specification :

Power 25watt 50Hz F.max 1600 L/hrh.max 1,2m220-240 v

Mini water pump

Cable for jumper

Plastic Hose

Resistor 220 Ohm PCB Board


Wiring Diagram

The Design of Prototype

Arrangement Step

1. Prepare components, tools, and materials required to make a prototype.

2. Make a sure that the components are complete and in accordance with the criteria of the project to be created.

3. Compose the circuit on the PCB matrix according to the schematic drawings provided.

• Assembling Relay Driver• Ultrasonic Sensor Arrangement• Assembling the pump• Stringing DC motors

• Connect the cable components with female-female and male-female cable as follows:a. The series of ultrasonic sensors.Connect pin trig of ultrasonic sensor to pin 13 on the Arduino. Connect pin encho of ultrasonic sensor to pin 12 on the Arduino.b. The series of ultrasonic sensors with the pump.Stringing ultrasonic sensor to the pump using 1-channel relay (relay module). Relay module have three pins there are; channel, vcc and gnd. Channel output of the relay is connected to pin 7 on Arduino. vcc of the relay is connected to 5volt on Arduino. And gnd of relay is connected to gnd on Arduino.c. Mixer circuit.For mixer circuit uses a DC motor. For supply, because the DC motor is used only have a voltage of 12 volts, required amplifier performance should not burden the Arduino, and therefore use a relay module as an amplifier circuit DC motor. Also uses a 9 volt battery as power supply.

• Connect to power source (power bank) use USB power source on Arduino Uno.





Range of Sensor from flow nutrients

Ultrasonic Sensor Pump DC Motor LED

1 cm working not working working red

2 cm working not working working red

3 cm working not working working red

4 cm working not working working red

5 cm working not working working red

6 cm not working working not working white

7 cm not working working not working white


1. The Arduino Uno is used for easy connection to a jumper cable that can be directly connected to the microcontroller. Arduino Uno has a pin that is enough to use on this project. Additionally within the existing bootloader that will handle uploading of computer programs that do not need the chip programmer. It is very easy to manufacture prototype project based irrigation system microcontroller.

2. Whether or not a system relies on listing program written in the Arduino IDE.

3. In addition to using the instrument components, the project also uses electronic components such as LEDs, resistors, etc.

4. It’s important to read the datasheet for each component first so that no one uses or damage occurs due to inadequate knowledge of the equipment used.