Arduino - Android Workshop Presentation



Slides for basic Hello World and develop an app for controlling arduino and robot. This app uses the API call and parse the JSON response from arduino to show the status of robot.

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Android WorkshopYantra 3.0

Presented By:-

Hem Shrestha


Table of Content

● Introduction to Android Platform● Development Environment● Hello World!● Application Fundamentals● User Interface● Working with Web Services (JSON)● Building Interactive Android App


Basic Java (If else, loops, Data Types, Data structures)

Object Oriented Programming (Class, Object, Inheritance)

Android Platform Basics

Introduction and historyAndroid VersionsAndroid ArchitectureAndroid Virtual Machine (Dalvik VM, Ark VM is latest in 4.4)


A Linux based Operating System designed primarily for touch screen mobile devicesInitially developed by Android Inc, lead by Andy Rubin and later purchased by Google in 2005Android is Open Source and Google releases code under Apache2 license.

Android Versions

Android Versions Distribution

Android Architecture

Dalvik Virtual Machine

Android Development Environment

JDK Eclipse IDEADT PluginAndroid SDKAVDDebugging with Android LogCatEclipse Perspective – Java/DDMS

Hello World !

Application Fundamentals

● Apps Development Flow● Build Cycle● Directory Structure● Android Manifest File● Android Application

Apps Development Flow

Apps Build Cycle

Directory Structure

src/bin/ - Output directory of the build. final .apkgen/ - etclibs/assets/res/ - Contains application resources, such as

drawable files, layout files, and string values.

drawable/ layout/ values/ menu/ xml/AndroidManifest.xml

App Manifest File (AndroidManifest.xml)

"Starting point" of appIt describes:• Package name• Minimum level Android API • Application name + icon• Required Permissions• The components of the application (activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers)Describes first activity to launch• Other stuff

Android Application

Components : 1. Activity2. Service3. Broadcast Receiver4. Content Provider


Android UI - Design

Two ways to construct :1. xml2. code

Using xml layout

Using Java Code

Android UI – Components (Elements)

Click Event HandlingOnClickListener mClickListener = new OnClickListener() {@Override public void onClick(View v) { switch(v.getId()){ case // do action1 break; case // do action2 break; } }};


Working with Web Services

Concept of APIData exchange format (JSON)Android Stuffs

API Concept

• Application Program Interface• An interface by software components to communicate

with each other• A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building

software applications.• A good API makes it easier to develop a program by

providing all the building blocks.


• JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange...

• Easy for machines to parse and generate• Familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages• JSON Object and JSON Array• Collection of name/value pairs

• Alternative: XML


"res": "success",

"data": {

"id": "1",

"username": ”hereshem",

“fname": "Hem",

“lname": "Shrestha",

”c_home": "014488535",

”c_mobile": "9843096958",

”c_office": "014782582",

"created": "2012-12-21 05:52:03 pm"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?










<created>2012-12-21 05:52:03 pm</created>


Android Stuffs

Adding permissionWriting server request fileCheck for internet connectionSync and Async TaskBackground and foreground process

Building Apps

Initially 5 buttonsButton Action

CodePin Status


Forward 1 1010 {“pin1”:1, “pin2”:0, “pin3”:1, “pin4”:0}

Reverse 2 0101 {“pin1”:0, “pin2”:1, “pin3”:0, “pin4”:1}

Left 3 0010 {“pin1”:0, “pin2”:0, “pin3”:1, “pin4”:0}

Right 4 1000 {“pin1”:1, “pin2”:0, “pin3”:0, “pin4”:0}

Stop 0 0000 {“pin1”:0, “pin2”:0, “pin3”:0, “pin4”:0}

Keep on touch

public void showMyContact(){String username = “hereshem”; // here‘s Hem

Log.i(“GitHub”, “” + username);Log.i(“Facebook”, “” + username);Log.i(“Twitter”, “” + username);Log.i(“Blog”, username + “”);Log.i(“Email”, username + “”);



More Source code Repositories in

Thanks !!

Best of luck for the upcoming events cheers……….