11th Salesforce Developer Group meeting in Bilbao


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Salesforce Developer Group

Bilbao, 11 de Marzo, 2016

AgendaBienvenidos!! Presentaciones - ¿tenemos nuevos miembros?Unit tests – ApexMocks – David van AlphenDescanso¿Qué os interesa en el próximo SDG?Comunidad

Bienvenidos!!!¿Qué es SDG? (aka DUG)

¿Nuevos miembros?


David van Alphen

Dev/Test TheoryOO Principles – SOLID

Dependency Injection

Enterprise Patterns

Separation of Concerns

Mocking / StubbingMockito, NSubstitute, etc

SOLID Wikipedia - SOLID

SRP – Single Responsibility Principle A class should have one responsibility

O – Open/Closed Principle Open for extension, closed for modification

L – Liskov Substitution Principle Objects should be replaceable by subtypes without affecting correctness of


I – Interface Separation Principle Many specific interfaces are better than one general interface

D – Dependency Injection Principle Depend on abstract, not concrete classes

Dependency InjectionWikipedia - Dependency Injection

No Static methods (workaround available)



Salesforce & TestingApex tests

System or integration testsUnit tests

Apexmocks framework

Mix and Match

Mockito vs ApexmocksApex vs Java

No Generics, explicit typing

Concrete classes

Compile on platform

Apexmocks Generatorinterfacemocks.properties



.gitignore (or equivalent)

Code example 1

Code example 2

Test StructureGiven

Arrange things needed for the test

WhenTrigger the behavior we want to test

ThenConfirm the results are what we expected

Code example 3

Things to AvoidAlways focus on testing public / interface behaviour

Use the framework wisely - don’t verify more behaviour than you need to

Don’t mock too deeply - if you find your unit test having to set up a lot of mocking before you even trigger the behaviour under test, that’s probably a hint that your design could be better


Sorteo Platform Developer I

Salesforce Certification

¡¡GRACIAS!!Nos vemos en el

próximo SGD
