Youth & Education in Malaysia



Youth and Education in Malaysia. Speaking out, for the youth, by the youth.

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According to a report published by the United Nations Economic and Social

Council (Unesco) in 2005, only 29.9% of Malaysians obtained higher education

qualifications.Malaysia, however, has set a target: it wants

to see 40% of the population in the 19-24 age group enjoy access to higher education by 2020.

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According to a report released by the Ministry of Higher Education, between 2001 and 2010, 15% of the students

who had access to higher education were enrolled in public institutions, while

another 15% were studying in private ones.

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So what drives

Bumiputera youth to

choose the courses they are

currently taking today?

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Aminur, 21, Kuala Lumpur“Well, now I’m in Corporate Communication course. I applied it because I have a mission to apply to Valiram Group after I grad.”

Athirah, 20, Penang“Firstly, I went because my parents ask me to go there but as time goes by, I realized what I really want. I am thankful with the diploma that I’m studying right now because it taught me to be realistic. Now I will only focus with what the market want.”

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Syamimi, 20, Kuantan“I choose Diploma in English Communication simply because it is the only college that offered me the course I ever wanted! The others offered me Accounting. I like maths but I LOVE ENGLISH more. “

Umar, 20, Bangi“I’m studying architecture because I FREAKING LOVE IT. I’ve wanted to be an architect since I was in standard 3. But before that (and after my Power Rangers dream) I knew I would do something involved with buildings.”

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How about those who have courses

they dream to further their

studies on, but were forced to

choose something else?

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Nasrul, 19, Johor“I was leaning towards music by the time I finished school. I even took music for SPM and I'm the only one taking it in my school! But as time goes by, crappy SPM results and whatnot, I ended up taking an English course.”

Mordiana, 20, Kuching“My dream course was engineering course. I'm giving up on taking engineering course after Form 6. I wasn't scared of Maths, but it's slightly hard for me if I didn't really into those few science subjects. So, I took another course that was easier for me.”

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Ikhwan, 20, Johor“To tell the truth, I never ever think about taking computer course before. Haha. But I also didn't have many options to choose from.”

Urus, 20, Kuala Lumpur“I would love to take something like Photography plus Music and sprinkle with some IT/Graphic elements would be perfect!”

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A lot of youths end up studying what they


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Un-nurtured Talent

Raw talent WASTED

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Every year, millions of kids are born, and they

have the potential to do GREAT THINGS

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DON’T let all this potential go to


