WUDMAC Travel & Tourism Digital Marketing Conference - Cairo - Dec 2012 - Day 1



WUDMAC 3-day Online and Digital Marketing conference organized by Dr. Hossam Darwish of the World-Wide Union for Digital Marketing and Consulting, Cairo. More Information on Speaking and Training at http://MandySwift.com

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Your Customers Are Already Online ... Are You?

Internet Marketing Courses For Beginners & Intermediate

13-14 DEC 2012 – Cairo

Nefertiti Hall - Shepherd Hotel


Your Customers Are Already Online ... Are You?

Internet Marketing Courses For Beginners & Intermediate

13-14 DEC 2012 – Cairo

Nefertiti Hall - Shepherd Hotel



• Dr. Hossam Darwish

• Mohamed Hossam

• Mandy Swift

• Andy Medlam

Course Outline:

“How to Do Internet Marketing the Right Way

to Get

More Leads, More Clients & More Sales Online”

“In a time of change it is the learners who inherit the earth...

while the learned usually find themselves perfectly equipped to live in a world that no longer

exists.” - Eric Hoffer

Learning Outcomes:

• Understand the Single Biggest Reason Why over 90% of Small Businesses Struggle Online • Understand How You Can Avoid Being One of Them

• Understand How to Build Your Online Marketing Foundations

• Understand the Top 10 Internet Marketing Mistakes

Good Web Design• How to create a website that converts traffic into customers

• The 5 Key Components of a good website

• Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design

Social Media• How to find the Right social media platform for Your business

• How to use social media to attract more customers

• Top 10 Mistakes people make using Social Media

Video• How to use YouTube and Video to attract more customers

• How to use Video to boost your Search Engine rankings

• How to get people to Take ACTION once they’ve watched your video


Session One:

The Cornerstones of

Your Success Online

Your Online Marketing ‘Foundations’:

“Building a business without foundations is

like building a house of cards on the sand –

sooner or later,

it will FALL DOWN”

So WHY Do so many people Struggle?

“ 90% of small businesses fail because

they are doing the wrong things”

Rich Scheffren - US Report

A little bit more about Me...

... It’s not a pretty story...

What are your Online Marketing Foundations?

1) Your Brand

2) Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

3) Your Target Audience – Your ‘Ideal Client’

4) Your Message

Your Brand & Your UVP:

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different”

– Coco Chanel

What is Your ‘Brand’?

your Logo

your Website

your Business Card

Your Brand is not What you DO...

Your Brand is Who You ARE...

it Inspires people to choose YOU

your “Essence”

it POSITIONS you in the market

who you ARE in the marketplace

Your Brand should answer the


“What is it that is unique and different about ME?

” - Unique in a way that I can own ...

... and that my customers want ...

... (and are actively searching for)

Your Brand also needs to answer

the Question:

“What is the Real Life Problem that I


WHY is your Brand So Important?

People don’t buy products or services – People buy PEOPLE

People don’t buy what you do, they buy who you are

“All things being equal, people prefer to buy

from people they know, like and trust ...”

Influence – Dr. Robert Cialdini

“All things being equal, people

prefer to buy from people they

know, like and trust...”


Parting Shot:

If you cannot convey your Brand in

three words or less – you do not

have a Brand

Crafting Your UVP:

...Can you state your Biggest benefit or

theme of your business in one or even

two sentences?

“What is it that is unique and different about

ME... in a way that I can own ...”

“What is the Real Life Problem that I


People don’t buy products or services – People buy PEOPLE

People buy people who can give them


Your UVP needs to convey the RESULTS you offer your customer –

the Biggest Benefit you bring...

And it needs to do it in one, maximum two sentences...

This is WHO you aim your

UVP at

Your Target Audience:

Your UVP answered the Question:

“What is the Real Life Problem that I solve?” _____________________

Your Target Market research answers the


“Who do I do it for?”

Who is your Ideal Client?

How do you find them?

Do they actually want what you offer?

How can I help them?

When you know your Ideal

Client ... When you understand

what they most want and need

to hear...

...Then you can begin to

craft the MESSAGE they

need to hear from you in

order to buy from you...

Your Message

“I want THAT”

How “sticky” is your core marketing message?

Credibility & Believability

“The best message in the world is

worthless if no-one believes it”

An often overlooked part of Messaging is Believability


1) Personal Experience

2) Common sense

3) Social Proof (which includes


4) Risk reversal

Four Components:

Top 10 Internet Marketing Mistakes

“Build It and They Will Come...”

- The Biggest Myth Online

1) Trying to market before you have your ‘Foundations’ in place - No Brand - No clearly defined Target Audience - Not understanding your Ideal Client & where your Audience are hanging out - Fuzzy Messaging 2) Failing to give enough VALUE 3) Marketing without a Strategy. Following the latest ‘trend’ or ‘tactic’

because you have no ‘road map’ 4) Failing to understand your Personality Type and/or not understanding

how to translate that into your Marketing Personality or marketing style 5) ‘CopyCat Marketing’. Copying what someone else is doing, regardless

of whether or not it fits your marketing style

6) ‘Robot’ Marketing – Over-writing your content for Google and

not your audience. Forgetting that social engagement and social proof

is now a big part of ‘SEO’  7) Lack of Targeting – Failing to understand the difference

between ‘Quantity’ and ‘Quality’ 8) Losing Leads by not capturing names and emails for follow-up

email marketing 9) Hiding behind a website. Not picking up the phone or networking 10)Not creating Market Authority. Focusing too much on

‘promoting’ and the ‘sales process’ and not enough on ‘Positioning’ yourself to

raise your intrinsic value 


Failing to integrate

offline and online marketing


with Dr. Hossam Darwish

Session Two:

Creating and Developing an Internet Marketing Plan

that Makes Money:

Establish a Long-Term Vision for Your Site

Identify Target Market

Create Long-Term S.M.A.R.T. Goals that Support Your


Break Long-Term Goals Down into Short-Term Goals

Develop Key Performance Indicators

The Key Steps to Include in Your Plan

Research Marketing Options

Build Actionable To-Do List

Identify Costs and Resources

Finalize and Implement To-Do List

Bring it All Together

Define Your Online Competitive Market

Define your Value Proposition

Develop An Incentive

Define Benefits

Develop an Internet Strategy

Build Your Internet Plan around that strategy*


Session Three:

–Your Website –

The ‘Hub’ of Your Online Marketing Wheel

with Mandy Swift

The Purpose of Your Website


... More Enquiries ... ... Better Exposure ... ... More Business ...

The 5 Key Components of

A Good Website

** Understand Your Purpose **

1. Headline

2. Sub-headline

3. Design / Layout

4. Copy

5. Call to Action


‘Focus Points’

Most Wanted action

Most Reasonable Action

Call to Action

A -ttention I -nterestD -esireA -ction

Headline Copy/Video Easy on the Eye Logical Flow Clear ‘Next Step’

Website Case Studies

1) Who is their Target Audience – Who would choose this company?

2) What is their Unique Value – Why would their audience pick them?

3) What is the Most Wanted Action? Is it in line with the “Most Reasonable Next Step” ?

“The 8 – Second Rule”


This is where your newsletter offer should be!

‘Become an Insider VIP ...It’s Free and you get the inside scoop...’

‘Join our VIP member’s inner circle ... get the insider deals First...’

Benefits not Features!

Top 10 Web Design Mistakes

“The majority of customers who decide to contact a company do so

their webpage not because of it!”

“46% of British consumers have cancelled plans to spend with a small business after finding a poor website” – 1and1 Internet Ltd


1) Using your website as a Sales Page rather than as a Lead Generation Page 2) Failing to give enough VALUE 3) No Free Optin and/or failing to test different offers to see which

offer converts best. E.G. - Free Report - Video - DVD - Newletter 4) Using a web designer with no online marketing or copywriting


5) No specific Audience so message is unclear and untargeted

6) Not having a Most Wanted Action or having an MWA that is

incongruent with your customers Most Reasonable Next Action 7) Poor design and layout (Distracting / Poor navigation / Too

busy) 8) Lack of ‘flow’ – Poor Focus Points 8 a) Poor Headline 8 b) Poor Copywriting - ‘features’ instead of ‘benefits’ - ‘I/We’ instead of ‘You’ - No Unique and Targeted Value Proposition - Large blocks of unbroken text

9) No clear traffic generation strategy and Not sending traffic to a specific Landing Page

10)Failing to Test and Measure 


Session Four:

–Website ‘Hotseats’–

Website Case Studies

with Mandy Swift

Q & A
