Writing a Narrative




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How to write a

Personal~having to do with oneself Narrative~telling a story

A personal narrative is a story about yourself!

Personal Narratives are told in FIRST PERSON point of view

Use pronouns like I, me, we, mine, my…

YOU are telling the story of what happened to you.

Focus on only ONE event in your story

Do not try to tell your whole life story

Personal Narratives should be told in chronological order

Start with what happened first, second, third, etc.

Use transitions that help show the passage of time (then, later, the next day, etc.)

Use a catchy introduction topic sentence

For this assignment, we will work on a topic sentence together

I will teach you how to decide on your own as

we use the writing process

Tell the reader how people acted to the events (details) in the story

Remember the H & W’s –who, what, when, where, why and how

This is what makes the story interesting and makes the reader want to read your story -Narrative

Write a Personal Narrative about an important event (time) from your life

Use a good topic and topic sentence Include actions and details in your

narrative Describe your memorable (one) event Return to the topic sentence in the

conclusion Follow the steps of the Writing Process
