Workplace Communications - Telephoning at work


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Telephoning at Work

Week 3

Workplace Communications

1Listen to a voicemail

2Ask for information 3 4Sound




Listen to a voicemail

ImageScreenshot of Language Explorer, Act 7

1Listen to a voicemail

Some common, formal expressions are used in this voice message.Listen again and try to make notes. your earliest convenience….

would be greatly appreciated…..

Now you want to call back

You want to confirm the date.

And you have some questions:

•What to bring?•Who else will be attending the meeting?

Try it right away!

1. I am wondering if ... 2Ask for


Three ways to ask polite questions

3. Would you mind telling me about…

2. I'd like to know how…

Direct question Indirect question

What should I bring to the meeting?

Could you tell me what ….?

Who else will be attending? Could you please

tell me …?

Direct question Indirect question

What should I bring to the meeting?

Could you tell me what I should bring to the meeting?

Who else will be attending?

Could you please tell me who else will be at the meeting?

Direct yes/no question

Indirect yes/no question (if)

Should I bring something to the meeting?

I am wondering if

Is somebody else coming to the meeting?

Could you tell me if

Direct yes/no question

Indirect yes/no question (if)

Should I bring something to the meeting?

I am wondering if I should bring something else to the meeting.

Is somebody else coming to the meeting?

Could you tell me if somebody else is coming to the meeting.

Direct question Indirect question using a gerund

What should I bring to the meeting?

Would you mind telling me…?

Who else will be attending?

Would you mind telling me…?

Direct question Indirect question using a gerund

What should I bring to the meeting?

Would you mind telling me what I should bring to the meeting?

Who else will be attending?

Would you mind telling me who else will come to the meeting?

Listen to the recording:

• What polite question did Sophia use?

2Ask for information

You are an office administrator. Last week you ordered a new laptop.

You want to call the computer company and ask them when it will be delivered.

2Ask for information

Let’s practise

You have an important appointment tomorrow.

Call your colleague and ask her if she can take over your shift.

2Ask for information

Let’s practise

3Clarify information

Listen to the recording one more time:

• What strategy is used by Sophia to make sure she understood everything?

Clarify information

3Clarify information

Do you have any strategies you use when phoning somebody to make sure that you understood everything?

Let’s practise• Listen to the call. The information has

mistakes. Listen and correct.

Engineer EskolaArrives on 13th JulyFrom Tampere on Flight AS 335Plane lands at 3.15


• Listen to the call. The information has mistakes. Listen and correct.

Six techniques to clarify information• Listen again and cross X the techniques the speaker uses.

1. Read the information back to the caller.

2. Say numbers in a different way. (fourteen or one – four)3. Clarify spelling with words. (A as in Alpha)

4. Ask questions.

5. Send an email with the information to confirm.

6. Stress the important words.

1. Read the information back to the caller. x2. Say numbers in a different way. (fourteen or one – four) x3. Clarify spelling with words. (A as in Alpha) x4. Ask questions. x5. Send an email with the information to confirm.

6. Stress the important words. x

Six techniques to clarify information

Asking for repetition and clarification.Learner A• Call a colleague

about a visit by a client next week. You want your colleague to meet the visitor at the airport. Give your colleague the following information:

Learner B• Your colleague

calls you about a visit by a client next week.

• Write down the information about the client’s arrival.

• Make sure you have all the information.

Asking for repetition and clarification.Learner A• Name• Flight number,• Airline• Arrival time• Just invent


Learner B• Your colleague

calls you about a visit by a client next week.

• Write down the information about the client’s arrival.

• Make sure you have all the information.

1. Read the information back to the caller.

2. Say numbers in a different way. (fourteen or one – four)

3. Clarify spelling with words. (A as in Alpha)

4. Ask questions.

5. Send an email with the information to confirm.

6. Stress the important words.

Make sure you use at least one of the following techniques:

3Clarify information

I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?

I missed that. Could you say it again, please?

Asking for repetition. Do you know other ways to ask for repetition?

Sorry, that was too fast for me. Would you mind repeating…

3Clarify information

I'm afraid I didn’t understand you.OK. Let me read that back to you.

And did you say…….

Let me just check if I got that.

I think I have everything but let me just read it back to you.

Asking for repetition. Do you know other ways to ask for repetition?

Asking for repetition and clarification.Learner A• Call a colleague

about a meeting next week.

• Give all the information:–Where?–When?–Who else will


Learner B• Your colleague calls

you about a meeting next week.

• Write down the information about the meeting.

• Make sure you have all the information.

• Ask for clarification or repetition!

3Clarify information

International Spelling Alphabet

Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta EchoFoxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet KiloLima Mike November Oscar Papa

Quebec Romeo SierraTango Uniform Victor Whiskey

X-ray Yankee Zulu

Asking for repetition and clarification.Learner A• Call a job

applicant to schedule an interview.

• Give all the information:–Where?–When?–What to bring.

Learner B• You have recently sent out a

job application for a position as a front desk agent at the Fairmont Hotel.

• Now you get a call for an interview!

• Ask who will be interviewing you.

• Make sure you have all the information.

• Ask for clarification or repetition!

4Sound friendly

Why is it important to smile?

A smile makes your voice sound friendly and polite – even if the caller cannot see you!

Sound friendly

4Sound friendly

Why is it important to smile?

Listening Activity

Listen to some expressions on the phone.Is the speaker smiling?

4Sound friendly

We can also sound more friendly and polite because of the words we use.

Rephrase the expressions to make them more friendly and polite.

1. What is your name?Sorry, could I have your name please?

2. Who do you want to speak to?

3. She’s in a meeting.

4. What’s it about?

5. Wait! I need to find a pen.

What did you learn today?

1Listen to a voicemail

2Ask for information

3Clarify information 4Sound



Thank you for attending the class!Happy Telephoning!