Witness assessment


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Witness Juane Pretorius

The Sequence

The sequence that I am going to analyse is when Samuel witnesses the murder. At this scene the two different worlds, that of the Amish and the modern world begin to collide.

The purpose

Analyse the purpose of this extract:

The purpose of this extract is to show the audience the theme of the Amish versus the English worlds. The director is aiming to show the audience the two different worlds starting to collide in this extract. The director shows the audience that Samuel is a witness by using a close up shot of Samuel’s eyes in between the the bathroom doors, as the shot is concentrating on Samuel’s large eyes. The director used this shot because it is showing the audience that Samuel is capturing everything that is happening with his eyes in this extract. It highlights his innocence and the idea that he is an outsider.

The lightingAnalysis the lighting of this extract:

The lighting that is being used in this extract is very bright on the murder scene. Artificial lighting is being used throughout this extract shining on the murder and the victim. Shadow effects was being used on Samuel in the stall as he is looking in between the doors at the murder scene. The lighting was very bright and artificial in this extract because it highlights the brutal murder of this extract and it reminds us that we are in the modern world away from the Amish world. The lighting is bright because the extract needs to be clear for Samuel takes in everything that happen within this scene. Samuel is use to very dim lighting from the oil lamps in the Amish world. The theme that is being introduced in this extract is the Amish versus the English world and how different it is. Amish do not believe in violence and here Samuel is in a murder scene. Samuel is quick thinking and hides himself in the dark because he knows he is in a serious situation.


The music that was being used throughout the extract was very mysterious and intense dark music. Sound effects that were being used in this extract was the sounds of the cubicle doors opening as a sign of the murderer coming towards Samuel. The mood that is being introduced is seriousness due to the mysterious and intense music in this extract. Suspense grows as the sound of the doors slam because the audience waits for Samuel to be discovered. The directer is showing the audience that Samuel is very resourceful in this extract and has a strong understanding of what is happening in this s extract. The music intensifies the mood of this scene and which has developed


The costume that Samuel is wearing in the movie Witness is a very traditional way of dressing in the Amish world. The Amish are known for simple lifestyle. Amish women do not wear jewellery and they do not have any buttons or zips on any of their clothing. Samuel wears the same sort of clothing styles when he is in the English world which shows the connection between the two different world colliding. The directors aim to the audience through out the film that Samuel does not obey the Amish rules and follows the tradition by wearing what Amish people would wear. Samuel wears a black hat and black suit that perfectly does not obey the way amish dress.


Film Technique - One

Film Technique - One

This film technique that is being used in this shot is a extreme close up shot. The director’s aim to show that Samuel is capturing everything that is happening with his eyes in this extract. The director shows the audience that Samuel is a witness by using a close up shot of Samuel’s eyes in between the the bathroom doors, as the shot is concentrating on Samuels large eyes. As Samuel is capturing everything in this violent scene he's becoming a witness as he saw the murder with his own eyes. As Samuel becomes a witness of the murder scene, this is where the English world and Amish world stat to cloud as Samuel will be part of another world due to being a witness.

Film Technique - Two

Film Technique - Two

The film technique that is being used in this shot is a closed frame shot. This reinforces that Samuel feels trapped in this situation and scared. This is important shot in this extract because it is including the murder and the victim in this shot. The purpose of this shot is to show Samuels view of what he is viewing. Low angle point of view shot from Samuels view, this makes the murder appear larger in shot. Samuel feels very trapped, scared and very unsure what to do in this extract.


“Just checking again”

In this extract the dialogue is “Just checking again” said by McFee. The directer used of this dialogue in this extract explains that McFee is worried that someone may have witness him murdering another police officer. As he is the murder he does not want anyone to witness this as he is a police officer himself

“Just washing my hands man”

In this extract the dialogue is “Just washing my hands” said my McFee. The directer use of this dialogue in this extract explains that McFee is acting like nothing happened and he's acting very straight faced towards he actions he just faced. McFee is very aware of what could possibly happen if someone witnessed this.
