Where are they found?


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Where are Child Soldiers found?

Some of the 20 countries

Afghanistan: national army and other elements of state security forces; armed opposition groups.

Central African Republic: state-allied armed groups.

Colombia: national army (for intelligence purposes); armed opposition groups.

Côte d’Ivoire: national army/state security forces; state-allied armed groups; armed opposition groups.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: national army and other elements of state security forces; Congolese and foreign armed opposition groups.

India: armed opposition groups. Iraq: elements of state security forces.

Israel: national army (for intelligence purposes).

Libya: national army and other elements of state security forces; armed opposition groups.

Mali: armed opposition groups. Myanmar: national army and other

elements of state security forces; armed opposition groups.

Pakistan: armed opposition groups. Philippines: national army (for

intelligence purposes) and other elements of state security forces; armed opposition groups.

Thailand: other elements of state security forces and armed opposition groups.

Somalia: national army; state-allied armed groups; armed opposition groups.

Sudan: national army and other elements of state security forces; state-allied armed groups; armed opposition groups.

South Sudan: national army; armed opposition groups.

Syria: national army and state-allied armed groups (use of children as human shields); armed opposition groups.

Yemen: national army and other elements of state security forces; state-allied armed groups; armed opposition groups.
