What i do with coincidences


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This lesson provides work with texts – reading and making notes.

As Ken Wilson says,coincidences are interesting! He presented the Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences,

amongst lots of other interesting ideas, in the British Council seminar (link here)with a useful

powerpoint presentation http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/seminars/motivating-unmotivated

I found some useful stories here: http://www.oddee.com/item_82923.aspx

What I do: 1 and 2 are interchangable as a beginning:

1. I write up the word “Coincidence” and students come to the board and brainstorm connected

vocabulary which they hopefully fill the board with.

2. I put up the “Maried Couple ” photo (with the arrows) to start some speculation.

3. Depending on the agility of the students: a wall dictation of the text in pairs, with quite loud

background music - so they just listen to their partner and don’t write what the other couples are

dictating. Music also helps me to time their turns – swop who writes and who runs with the start

of a new verse. As an alternative I dictate a shorter version of the text.

4. Read and discuss. Feedback and difficult words on one side of the board*

There’s a handout here to use as an alternative to dictation.

5. I write three new titles for reading passages on the board. Students try to guess what coincidences

could be connected with these titles.

6. Depending on numbers of students they read texts in twos or threes. After an allotted time for

vocabulary work* they fold or cover their handout and try to re-tell their story to another one or

two students. When listening to each other they makes notes about the new stories.

7. Feedback and discussion. Then an agreed title for some homework:

Coincidences in your life. Have you ever had any? If you have, explain what happened. If not,

what’s your opinion about coincidences? Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in karma?

*We’ve been using Google Docs Spreadsheets ( https://docs.google.com/ ) with each group.

One student in turn takes responsibilty to record emergent vocabulary during the class and then

copies it all up on a Google Docs Spreadsheet specific to the group and date of the class. The idea

is from Ian James who explains how they work very clearly here


Working with Texts – Coincidence


