What and how you eat in jail / Il cibo dietro le sbarre


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What and how you eat in jail / Il cibo dietro le sbarre

Autoinchiesta Cosa e come si mangia in carcere (storie di vita quotidiana in carceraria attraverso il cibo)Scheda 1

Autoinquiry What and how you eat in prison (stories of everyday life in prison through food) Sheet 1

Laboratorio di scrittura creativauno spazio per riscoprire o imparare le parole e raccontare il proprio vissuto un diario di ricordi, ingredienti, sapori e trucchi per cucinare in carcere.

Creative writing workshop a place to discover or learn the words and tell his own experience a journal of memories, ingredients, tastes and tricks to cook in prison.

Stesura ed EditingEditing and Drowing up

Diffusion and Exemplary of the European project

Diffusione ed esemplarietà del progetto europeo

Shopping you can buy in prison Where and how you can buy food, what can you buy and at what price Genres permits and banned foods

The package of the family how many packs in a month and how much should weigh

The expense that you can do in prison how many packs in a month and how much should weigh

Where you are cooking in the kitchen central prison in the cell ....

Where you eat cell, canteen, ...

The tools allowed forks, spoons, knives, grating, plates, .....

The art of getting by in the kitchen ... recipes from prison and tools ... stories of life, ideas, through the daily food

Prison and the multi-cuisine culinary Babylon

... To keep in touch with their roots Contamination between cultures ...

Calendar Menu prison ... the daily meals (menu summer, winter .....)

Hours meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, ...

Water … drinking water in prison

La spesa che si può fare in carcere Dove e come si possono acquistare gli alimenti, cosa si può comprare e a che prezzoGeneri permessi e alimenti vietati

Il pacco della famiglia quanti pacchi in un mese e quanto devono pesare

Dove si cucina in carcere cucina centralizzata, in cella, ....

Chi cucina

Dove si mangia cella, mensa, ...

Gli utensili permessi forchette, cucchiai, coltelli, grattuggia, piatti, .....

L’arte di arrangiarsi in cucina ... ricette dal carcere e utensili ... brevi racconti di storie di vita, idee, attraverso il cibo quotidiano

Carcere e cucina multietnica la babiliona culinaria ... per restare in contatto con le proprie radici ... la contaminazione tra culture

Calendario Menu carcere ... il vitto quotidiano (menù estivo, invernale .....)

Orario pasti colazione, pranzo, cena, ...

L’acqua l’acqua da bere in carcere

What and how you eat in prison (stories of everyday life in prison through food)

a common reflection on what and how you eat in 6 prisons . Given the objectives of the project, and in particular to help raise awareness of an issue not considered, but in fundamental reality in everyday life imprisonment . To explore this aspect is attached to a card and that may also be useful to encourage prisoners to tell stories and recipes, food-related in prison

Cosa e come si mangia in carcere (storie di vita quotidiana in carceraria attraverso il cibo)

una riflessione comune su cosa e come si mangia nei 6 istituti penitenziari. Tenuto conto degli obiettivi del progetto, e in particolare per contribuire a far conoscere una problematica poco considerata, ma in realtà fondamentale nel quotidiano della detenzione. Per approfondire questo aspetto si allega una scheda e che può essere utile anche per stimolare i detenuti a raccontare storie e ricette legate all'alimentazione in carcere

The food behind bars / Il cibo dietro le sbarre

Panevezys Correction House, Lithuania





Shopping you can buy in prison

We have a canteen. The inmates can buy drinks like coffee and tea,moreover snacks like toast,burger and biscuits.Alcohol is strictly forbidden. Cigarettes can be sold under control.

The package of the family Receiving package from the family is not allowed due to security conditions.

The expense that you can do in prison

Inmates can earn about 150-200 Turkish Liras a month.

Where you are cooking in the kitchen

Cooking in the kitchen is not possbile but they can prepare a vegetable or fruit salad.

Where you eat cell, Canteen an outside in the garden.

The tools allowed forks, spoons,grating and plates are OK but knives are only for making salad.

The art of getting by in the kitchen

Cooking is not allowed. They are served food.These are especially traditional Turkish food.

Prison and the multi-cuisine culinary Babylon

The inmates cannot cook but thanks to this project they get ideas about old recipes and multi-cuisine culinary

Calendar Menu prison The Daily menu is seasonal. There is no standart. In summer especially light and practical food.

Hours meals Breakfast: 07:00-08:00Lunch:12.30-13:30Dinner: 18:00-19:00


The prison serves special bottled water.

