Weather ppt


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Term 2 Science unit of work

What is weather?

• The weather is just the state of the atmosphere at any time, including things such as temperature, precipitation, air pressure and cloud cover.

• Daily changes in the weather are due to winds and storms.

• Seasonal changes are due to the Earth revolving around the sun.

What is climate?

• Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region and time period.

• Climate is not the same as weather, but rather, it is the average pattern of weather for a particular region.

• Weather describes the short-term state of the atmosphere.

Buzz words!• Atmosphere - The atmosphere covers the Earth. It is a thin layer of mixed

gases which make up the air we breathe. This thin layer also helps the Earth from becoming too hot or too cold.

• Temperature – How hot or cold the atmosphere is at any given point. Measured in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit.

• Precipitation – Any form of water falling from the sky, for example water, snow, sheath and hail.

• Air pressure – The force per unit area exerted on a surface by the weight of air above that surface in the atmosphere of Earth.

• Cloud cover – The percentage or fraction of the sky that is covered by clouds

• Seasons - A season is a subdivision of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight.

The weather today

• What is today’s weather like?

• What season are we in?

• What is the temperature today?

What do we know about Australia's climate?


Is the weather the same in Sydney as the weather in Alice Springs?

Sydney Alice Springs

What do you want to learn about the weather?

• Fill out one of the surveys at the front of the classroom and return it to Mr Williams by the end of the lesson.
