Vision y Voz Capítulo 07 clase 5 revisado


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Capítulo 7- Clase 5El pretérito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Objetivos generales

de la clase:

• Repasar el vocabulario relacionado

con la comida.

• Repasar los pronombres de

complemento directos.

• Síntesis

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Diálogos• Grupos de 3

• Preparen un diálogo relacionado con la comida (una clase de cocina, un restaurante, un mercado). Traten de ser chistosos.

• Luego cada grupo presenta su diálogo a la clase.

• El mejor actor gana un Oscar.

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Juego• En parejas.

• Un estudiante de cada pareja cierra los ojos.

• El otro se fija con atención en el dibujo que veremos a continuación.

• Luego tiene que describir lo que vio para el que no vio nada. Este último tiene que dibujar lo que le cuenta el primero.

• Cambian de sitio y repiten el ejercicio. © All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Si no saben una palabra

pueden usar frases como…

• es una cosa que se usa para…

• es un mueble que sirve para…

• es una fruta…

• es redondo, así de grande…

• Si no pueden comunicarse, pueden

usar una o dos palabras en inglés.

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Los pronombres

•Ud. prepara una serie de


•Tiene que usar los

pronombres para expresar

las acciones que lleva a


© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Palabras que puede usar• pelar

• lavar

• poner

• cortar

• añadir

• mezclar

• revolver

• cocinar

• servir

• la olla

• el plato

• el vaso

• el/la sartén

• la taza

• la cuchara

• el tenedor

• la estufa

• el horno

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito


• Tomo el tomate.

• Lo lavo.

• Lo pelo.

• Lo pongo en la ensalada.

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Un poco de


© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Salvador DalíA Spanish (Catalan)

surrealist painter.

Dalí was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking, bizarre, and beautiful images in his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters. His best known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in 1931.

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

Salvador Dalí's artistic repertoire also included film, sculpture, and photography. He collaborated with Walt Disney on the Academy Award-nominated short cartoon Destino, which was released posthumously in 2003.

Dalí employed extensive symbolism in his work. For instance, the hallmark soft watches that first appear in The Persistence of Memory suggest Einstein's theory that time is relative and not fixed. The idea for clocks functioning symbolically in this way came to Dalíwhen he was staring at a runny piece of Camembert cheese during a hot day in August.

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

The Persistence of Memory (1931) is

one of Dalí's most famous works

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito

On Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening (1944) Dalí said, "the noise of the bee here causes the sting of the dart that will wake Gala"

The Temptation of St. Anthony (1946) contained Dalí'ssymbolic elephant, Musee d'Art Modernein Brussels

© All rights reserved to Joyce Bruhn de Garavito