Using pinterest for Real Estate and Design Business



Learn what Pinterest can do for your real estate or design business. Since "home" is the number one category on Pinterest, there is a huge market for what you're selling. We'll show you how to get started, what to pin, and even who to follow for great ideas you can use for your

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  • What Is Pinterest? Pinterest is a social media platform that acts as a virtual pin board.
  • Is it Really a Good Platform for business? 70% of users say they visit the site to find items to purchase. Pinterest sends more traffic to websites than Yahoo! The average purchase generated by Pinterest is double the amount of those started on Facebook or Twitter - about $180. 80% of pins are repins (as opposed to about 5% or Tweets that are ReTweets) can you say viral?!
  • Is Pinterest a Good Platform for Real Estate and Design?
  • Getting Started on Pinterest Visit to set up your business account. Use keywords in your description. Hashtags are not functional here. Uploading a business profile photo is quick and easy, but choose wisely. While a logo may work for large companies, given the audience that Pinterest has, you may choose something a more personal. Make sure you verify your website after you set up your account.
  • Set up Some Boards Create a board by clicking on the "+" button next to your name. You might want to create only secret boards at first. You can make them public when they are ready for the world to see.
  • Start Pinning! Get the bookmarklet for on-the go pinning: http://about.pinterest.c om/goodies/#browser You can add a price to the description and your item will appear in the gifts category.
  • Some Strategies for Success 1. Make it easy for website visitors to pin your images with plugins that show either a floating "share" button, or one that appears when a visitor hovers over an image. 2. Make custom pinnable images for your blog posts. Including the content description in the image itself improves performance.
  • Timing is (almost) Everything. 3. The most popular times to be on Pinterest (and, ostensibly, the best times to post) are early morning, late at night and Saturday mornings. Try ViralTag for scheduling, But experiment your audience could be different. 4. Accept a few Group Board invitations and contribute! Try repinning from your company boards.
  • Nordstrom has a hugely popular Pinterest account. This is one way you can bring Pinterest offline - by sharing a most pinned label on items in your design store. Great for designers with a physical location.
  • Looking at Real Estate examples on Pinterest - Customer Fred allowed us to experiment on him with our new Pinterest Setup/Strategy and Training Service. Our goal was to create a dynamic way to share trends with designers and end-user customers, as well as to build on existing business partnerships. Heavy on decorating, staging ideas and homebuyer help. - Boards featuring current local trends (like exposed beams, minimal). Also, boards by feature (gorgeous yards, entryways, etc.) pinned from their own site. - Independent realtor account seeks to become a resource for everything Orange County. Not just real estate, but attractions, food, fashion. - Very specific to Denver, in part. Also shares personal passions. Created a board for one luxury home has 119 followers
  • Designer and Builder Pinterest Accounts Some Decorators Using Pinterest Well: - Boards dedicated to specific rooms in the house and a few for particular colors. - Shes actually a decorator wanna-be with nearly 4,000 followers. Does some room-specific boards, but lots of stuff for kids and great ideas for the home as well. I even followed that one! Some Builders Using Pinterest Well: - He has beautiful photos of his work. He only has 22 followers and I noticed his boards are lacking descriptions. He would do better to frame the photos as inspiration, rather than advertisements of his work (ie., Funky bedroom decor instead of My custom bedrooms). - With nearly 400 followers, they do a good job presenting images of different styles and rooms, but it feels a little too much like a sales brochure. - Not actually a builder, this pinner shares DIY projects. Show people the inspiration, the work that goes into it, and 9 times out of 10 theyll decide to hire you instead of doing it yourself!
  • What Makes a Great Pin Infographics and Checklists
  • Tutorials and Teaser Text
  • Videos! Pin from your site or from YouTube.
  • What Makes a Great Pin Caption? Use a Call to Action. This increases engagement 80%! Use keywords. Add a price to your caption. Use a hashtag or two. Tag your business partners. Include a link to the article or page, if on your site.
  • Keep Learning! On our blog: Subscribe to our blog: Our ebook: Official Pinterest for Business Blog: HubSpots Pinterest Blog Topics:
