Uses and gratifications ancillary tasks


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M-media language I-institutionG-genreR-representationA-audience I-ideologyN-narrativeE-economic/social/historic/technological context


Uses and gratifications theory:-• Suggests the audience have a part to play on the media by what they select and use. It is split

up into four needs: -Diversion -Personal relationships -Personal identity -Surveillance

Diversion-• When people look for an escape in what they read/watch, they like to escape reality, they can

do this by watching a film, listening to the radio, reading a magazine etc.

Personal relationships-• When people use the media to create relationships to fulfil the need for companionship. They

can do this on Facebook by talking to people over the internet.

Personal identity-• When people use the media to identify things about themselves, for example they can find

their family tree and look back on their ancestors.

Surveillance • when people find out about what's going on in the world using the media. For example

people can read a magazine or watch TV programme to get information on some celebrities lives.

Uses and gratifications

Relating uses and gratifications to a magazine

Diversion- people will be attracted to this magazine and read it as a means of escape from their real life.

Personal relationships- people will read this magazine to create a personal relationship with the articles in this magazine.

Personal identity: people will read this magazine to find out a little bit more about themselves. For example they could be looking at the page with he star signs on it.Surveillance: people will read this magazine to find out information on things or people, for example an interview with a celebrity will satisfy this need.


Codes are used any magazine companies as it create the illusion of suspense.

Barthes 5 codes include:

The proairetic code

The hermeneutic code

The semantic code

The symbolic code

The cultural code

Hermeneutic codes are used often in magazines, they can do this by using ellipsis,

so they have to physically turn over the pages to see the answer. For example the

line could be ‘50 of the most famous actors….’. This would require people to buy the

magazine to see who they are.