Us4256926 microprocessor control complex for a telecommunication switching system


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United States Patent [191 [1 1] 4,256,926 Pitroda et al. [45] Mar. 17, 1981

[54] MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL COMPLEX 4 021 783 ' FOR A TELECOMMUNICAHON 40311328 22333 E1522???33:31:?‘11111113331553 SWITCHING SYSTEM 4,074,072 2/ 1978 Christensen et al. 179/ 18 ES X

[75] Inventors: Satyan G. Pitroda, villa Park; 4,095,054 6/1978 Arllzan et al. ................. .. 179/18 ES

:V?liam A. Fechalos, Naperville; Carl OTHER PUBLICATIONS ‘ - 51811111811, L?Grange, 8" 0f 111- “New Digital Electronic PABX Family" by Ronald C.

[73] Asslgnee: wescom switching’ Inc" Oakbrook, Garavalla, GTE Automatic Electric Journal, May 1977, I“. pp. 303-31].

[211 App]_ No‘: 842,091 Primary Examiner-Thomas W. Brown [22] Filed: Oct. 17’ 1977 gttlolrgiyifgent. or Firm—beydig, Voit, Osann, Mayer

Related us. Application mm [57] ABSTRACT

[63] Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 734,732, 01:1. 21, 1976, A ‘.“i°r°P'9°e§s°’ °°mr°l °°mplu for a telewmmuni' abandone¢ gllaéliparis 5x11851111?‘ system1 diiclosed in the context of a

[51] Int. Cl.3 ..................... .. G06F 15/16‘ H ' c msl'on mu up ex switching system. The 1 H8231 131902‘;> control complex is arranged as a cluster of hardware

[52} US. Cl. ......................... .. 179/18 ES; 179/ 18 EE; :ienfElcal {mm-opt ' ors m ‘a distributed Processing 179/18 ET; 179/1752 C; 364/200 370/58 '11 1_gurat1on wherein each mlcroprocessor ls provided

[58] Field of Search ........ .. 179/18 ET, 18 DA 18 D W133 its own memory and clock an? is programmed to 179/18 B, 18 ES, 15 AT, 15- AQ 175 i c 18' pe orm a portion of the total functlon of the switching

EE‘ 3701/58: 564/1200 system. Each mlcroprocessor performs the functions [56] . 1 1 asslgned to 1t_independently and asynchronously of the

References cued others. Data is transferred between microprocessors in Us. PATENT DOCUMENTS a inanner which rnlnimlzes the amount of time spent in

ln erprooessor communication. This communicat' ' 3,63 , _ ‘ ‘ lon is

3,721,223 1:; 11:11:13all ....................... 364/200 accomplished via mterprocessor buffers which provide 3338,26‘ 9/1974 Rica at a‘. I7971/81 dedlcated communication channels between partner 3,898,621 8/1975 Zelinski at a!‘ " 364/200 processors while allowlng those processors to continue 3'924'081 [2/1975 Rohrig at all I _____ “ 179/18 EB to operate asynchronously. The distributed control 3,969,701 7/1976 l-lemdal ....... .. 179/13 ES x mum!“ 311°“ ‘.hc “aware ‘0 be 'mdularized with

: ghleney at a: ____ " 179/18 ES gzultlng economies in program generation and debug . , a 85515 € . ....... .. '

12/1976 Kelly ct ala... .. 179/3 g , , 3/1977 Schwartz 179/15 BA 62 Claims, 47 Drawing Figures

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