Universal design for learning



UDL presentation for Walden University Major Assessment 4

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  • 1. UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNINGApplicability in diversity and StandardsBy Michael KirschWalden University

2. A HISTORY AND INSPIRATION Center for Applied Design to meet theSpecial Technology needs of most users(Cast) Universal Design forLearning (UDL) 2002 David Rose & AnnMeyer IDEA (1997) Access Curriculum Diversity andStandards 3. NEUROLOGY AND UDL - Figure 6.1 -Network-Appropriate Teaching MethodsTo support diverse recognition networks: Provide multiple examplesHighlight critical featuresProvide multiple media and formats Support background context.To support diverse strategic networks:Provide flexible models of skilled performance Provide opportunities to practice with supportsProvide ongoing, relevant feedback Offer flexible opportunities for demonstratingskill.To support diverse affective networks: Offer choices of content and toolsOffer adjustable levels of challenge Offer choices of rewardsOffer choices of learning context. 4. TECHNOLOGYS CENTRAL ROLE 5. UDLS IMPACT ON LEARNING 6. BRAIN RESEARCH & UDL 7. IMPLICATIONS OF UDL ParadigmShift One Size does not fit all Alternative forms of assessment Standardized is no longer thestandard Differences in brain processes Universal design for Learning Modalities and tools No limits or restraints Individuality is recognized 8. CAST TOOLSUDL Self CheckUDL GuidelinesUDL Lesson Builder 9. REFERENCES CAST. (n.d.). UDL toolkits: UDL training guide. RetrievedMarch 26, 2010, fromhttp://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/toolkits/tk_introduction.cfm?tk_id=61 Driscoll, M. (2005) Psychology of learning for instruction.Boston, MA: Pearson Edyburn, D. L. (2010). Would you recognize universaldesign for learning if you saw it? ten propositions fornew directions for the second decade of udl. LearningDisability Quarterly, 33(1), 33-41. Rose, D. H., Meyer, A., Strangman, N., & Rappolt, G.(2002). Teaching every student in the digital age:Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA:Association for Supervision and CurriculumDevelopment. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes.