Unit 6 critical approaches


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Unit 6: critical approaches.

PR1: research Techniques in film.

Demographic scale

A millionaires and CEOs

B Business owners

C1 white collar workers

C2 blue collar workers

D part time workers

E unemployed people, students, pensioners

Within the demographic scale the producers of the film want to specify the film within the

demographic scale to determine what kind of audience that you would prefer your audience to be when they release the film.

Quantitative research: when you receive results in numbers such as percentages in essays to get accurate results for things such as films music and other products

Qualitative research: when you conduct interviews with people and get comments which give you

solid worded answers.

Many of these research techniques are widely used within market research in order to determine in accuracy the type of audience

An example of quantitative research would be would be a chart such as a tally chart or a pie chart to determine the right results for the essay that is being done by the audience.

An example of qualitative research would be an interview with someone whether it being an

audience member or someone who the producers think would want to see the film or TV show.


Captain America civil war

Many people wanted to watch civil war around the world which made it extremely mainstream and

it generated excitement for people who were both fans of the comics and new viewers of the


With this film’s release it sparked excitement for people all around the world which made the audience for this film huge which brought it all the way into the mainstream market.

Here is a link to a trailer for the film to watch: https://youtu.be/dKrVegVI0Us


The anticipation for Deadpool was huge after years of fans pleading they finally got what they

wanted and when the first trailer was released the hype was huge and Deadpool was instantly shot

into the mainstream and after it was released at cinemas it became the highest grossing comic based film of all time.

Here is a link to a YouTube trailer: https://youtu.be/ZIM1HydF9UA

Star Wars the force awakens

Star Wars the force awakens was one of if not the most anticipated film of 2015 and it went on to be

the most successful film of 2015 making millions of pounds at the cinemas and even when the film

was announced it was clear that the film would be instantly brought into the mainstream. With

many of the long-time fans of the film would watch the film along with way more of the new

audience to the franchise.

Here is a link to a YouTube trailer regarding this film:



Suicide squad

Suicide squad was very popular around the country but the plot structure for film was different

compared to many other films it was very unique and not many people understood it so the

audience for this film was a bit more enclosed and the audience was more made up of long-time

fans of the comics or the characters so it wasn’t mainstream but it was very popular within the

demographic scale. When it came to rating the film it was due to the nature of the film it was rated

15 because of some of the scenes that contained torture scenes and scenes of violence

Here is a link to a trailer which shows you some aspects of the film suicide squad: https://youtu.be/CmRih_VtVAs

Sausage party

With the release of sausage party, it has given us a whole new perspective on the animated films

that we watched growing up such as toy story and the lion king but this has a whole new take on the

animated genre and with this r rated movie which is definitely not for kids really would be aimed at 21 year olds and older because of the nature of the film with its strong language and adult humour.

Here is a link to a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/ReJOJR-DImU


A Niche film is when the audience group that would like to see the film are very selected and enclosed whether the audience are hard-core fans of either the actors or the genre of the film

A good example for this would be the Metallica film which follows the lives of each one of the band

members lives and follows the struggles that they go through as a band this would be purely aimed at fans of the band which would limit the audience that would want to watch the film

Here is a link to a video on you tube showing some aspects of the film within a trailer. https://youtu.be/2Z-g053X390

Audience profiling

Age: what age you have to be to see the film

Gender: whether your gender effects the way you feel towards a film or many films

Socio-economic status: what social background you come from

Psychographics: what the person likes to do such as activities and hobbies in their daily lives it also

looks at the different lifestyles and interests of that individual person.

Geodemographic: where about you live in the country and what area you are from

Sexual orientation: streamed to people of different sexual orientation such as gay and lesbian and other communities around the world.

Regional identity: where you live in the world

The Gutenberg Design Principle

This image is of the main optical

orientation of your eyes when it comes

to looking at a poster or a page of a book or a magazine.

in this poster you can see many things

that are trying to represent different

aspects of the film and there are certain

points in the poster they want to look at

first and this is due to the Gutenberg

design principle which is drawing your

eye to and the first things that your eyes

are drawn to when you first see the anus poster.

A prime example of this would be the mode of address in the poster and when you see a character

looking right at you it is direct address to the audience. But this poster does many things to make

you want to watch the film because of its friendly presentation through the colour scheme and the

letter wording. And with this it also adds in the name of the main character which will attract fans of

the franchise and others who have heard of the character and want to see the character in action

What do they connote? The main colours that are used in the poster are light colours such as sky blue and beige to show the friendly nature of the film and the characters that are in it.

In the poster if you look into the text on the title you can see an alien symbol that was made

famous in the 1960s when the whole idea of alien life was discussed and this was the

number one symbol that they used to signify this.

The main figures and objects that were used in the background were the secondary main

characters in the main set of the film which was the RV which the character’s drive around in the film so with it being in the poster it shows a little bit of the plot of the story.

The poster that is shown is primarily visual showing the best parts of the film being the

actors and the voices that stared in the film so they wanted to show this as much as possible

with little text but text was needed for the title of the film which was clearly shown on the top of the poster.

I think that from looking at the poster and seeing the realism of the it al it was clear that the

film was meant for an older audience but in a large scale which went as far as 15 to 18 years of age to keep the age range fair but profitable when it came to audiences watching the film.

Given that the aim of a film poster is to get audiences to go and see the film - what persuasive

techniques are used? The main persuasive techniques were the showing of the cast in the

background most of all Simon Pegg who is very popular in the modern society and the fact that his

face was in the far left of the poster meant that they wanted you to see Simon Peggs face which would draw many people to watch it because of the most bankable character.

The referred genre to this film is mostly comedy but there is also drama and fantasy element to it to make the film more unique

The main selling point for this film was Simon Pegg who’s face is presented in the Primary

optical area of the poster.

Whose quotes? No there are no visible quotes that are used in the poster.

The main pleasures are the characters such as Simon Pegg and just the look of the main

character because he looked cool, he looked funny and you just know from looking at the CGI character that you are going to love the film for these character regardless of the plot.

The main attention is through the familiar faces and the humour that is generated when you

see the poster.

the tagline is mainly a pun intended because the fact the it implies closes encounter is regarding to alien life and the fact that they used this is implying humour for the film and the characters


The trailer that I am going to analyse is for Bridget Jones’s Baby

Here is a link to the trailer: https://youtu.be/mJsvmscPY9w

• Setting

The main setting for the film is in the city of London and occasionally set in the countryside but only brief shots of other sets in the film within the trailer.

• Character

The trailer mainly follows the 3 main characters and shows brief scenes with the supporting cast but mainly shows shots from the main characters and the story they play out.

• Narrative

The main narrative in the trailer is diegetic sound through conversations and general sounds

within London but also follows the non-diegetic narrative of the main character throughout the trailer.

• Iconography with it being quite a down to earth reality comedy it had very little iconic

aspects in the trailer just mainly the characters and what they represent to the audience as a

well-known character

• Style

The style of the film is mainly a romantic comedy but it is avoiding becoming to over the top and tries to remain a down to earth comedy for older and younger viewers to watch.

Bridget Jones’s baby trailer analysis

when the film was first announced

that it was in production many

people had expectations on how the

film was going to play out but they

also wanted a film that ended a good

trilogy and left us thanking the

director for these films and with this I

think the way that the director

presented the film when the trailers

first hit the social media really

showed the audience both fans and

new comers to the franchise that the

end for this franchise was here.

After watching the film I feel like the

trailers that I saw really captured the

crucial points in the film but at the

same time didn’t spoil anything for us

in the outcome of the film. One of the

other things that the director got

right was that he didn’t show all of the scenes that would make you laugh in the trailer making the

audience not lose the whole concept that this film was built on which was to catch you off guard

with the jokes because the whole comedic concept that this sort of film rides on is the spontaneous

comedy that would come naturally within the film and its characters and if that whole concept was

ruined and the audience loose interest and the big conclusion for the final film in the franchise

would be bland and predictable but none of the trailers did that they just made you want to watch it

with its fun tone and the brief snaps of the jokes but not enough to ruin them.

So overall I really feel that the trailers for the film really did the film justice and when it came to

watching the film I felt that the trailers really captured the key moments to look for but you could

laugh from start to finish.

Bridget Jones Report


In this document I will be going through my survey and the answers that people gave me regarding

the viewing of the new film Bridget Jones’s Baby and I am going to be going over all the questions

and their answers and analyse what the audience thought of the film and whether they thought the

film was worth seeing or if the film lived up to the hype that was brought together to make this film

and all of this will be covered in this survey results analysis.

The first question was regarding the age

appropriation for the film and most of the

survey answers reflected that the most

appropriate age range for this film has to be

appropriate for ages 16 to 18 which meant that

the film may have had much content that may

have been too appropriate for even younger

teenagers and should be restricted up to a

certain point but not enough for the audience

to be shortened so the film was not brought

down by the age of the audience that wants to

watch the film or is interested in watching the film.

This next question that I put on the main way that

the audience found out about the film was and

most of the results showed that the film was heavily

advertised on the social media and the main form

of social media that this film was advertised on was

Facebook and film studios are finding better and

better ways in which to reach various audiences

and one of the best ways is to go online which is the

main source of viewing in this day in age and as

seen on the evidence it worked because most of the

audience that watched Bridget jones heard about

the film on Facebook.

the next category for this survey were the first

impressions for this film and due to the results

that were shown on the survey it showed that

many people who watched the film were very

impressed with the way the film turned out

and this shows that it exceeded the

expectations of some of the people who were

not sure about watching the film and with this

the film studio succeeded in making a film that

would appeal to people who would not usually

go to see a film of this category whether they

don’t usually go for the films genre of choice

or they just don’t like the franchise that the

film is based with and the director would see

this as a personal win for him and his/or her career.

In this category for the survey I wanted to get

into the depths of the audience and find out

what kind of fan of the film they were

whether they were fans of the franchise for a

long time or whether the audience in

question are fairly new to the genre and

based on the results that I received it was drawn between

As you can see in the results for the exit poll many people

thought that there was nothing wrong or inappropriate about

the film but that response can vary upon what kind of audience

is watching the film and that is where I really wanted to get a

varied response from the audience that I sent the survey but

the audience that I sent to were predominantly the younger

generation and as you know the younger generation are very

accepting over these types of films that are on the cinema these

days and it leads me to guess that the audience that submitted

strong language must have been older with children of their

own with a different mind-set to us as a generation and that

never changes.

These are some of the questions which I thought were crucial in finding out what kind of people

were watching the film and what they thought of it and the number one thing that I realized while

doing the survey was that no one disliked the film even though the audience had free reign on l iking

or disliking a film and it showed me that the film that this director had created had won over not just

the fans but the new comers of the franchise and with that it will broaden his/her horizons for future

films like this and now with these results from all the surveys and all the comments that this director

is going to receive it will give them both insight and motivation for the next film that they plan on making.

Once again here is a link to the survey if you would like to take it or retake it i f you ae not satisfied

with the feedback you gave:


Final Summary for Bridget Jones’s Baby

To summarize on the whole document, I feel like the advertising that the director put into place for

Bridget jones was very well placed and ticked all the boxes for what she was trying to achieve which

was a very funny but emotional at the same time and the way that she presented this In the trailers

implying that it was going to be an hilarious film but at the same time it would be emotional for

some because this is an old franchise and people who have watched this franchise since the start

would feel like they are losing something special. The director jumps on this opportunity and creates

a final story which would leave the audience with a sad but glad ending to one of the best romantic comedy franchises ever made