Unit 121 ben atherton


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I am a graphic Designer, and I have been hired to take pictures for a new magazine called City Life. Which is based in Manchester and Salford.I am going to be taking images of the scenery from Salford City College.Once I have taken the images and chose which ones I am going to use I will edit the images for the final design for City Life.

Salford City College in Eccles has many things to study like Vocational subjects, A-Levels and there is a variety of options to

choose from.

Here I have changed the Vibrance and Saturation of the picture, to change the dullness to make it stand out more.

Here I have used the rectangular marquee tool to crop stuff out of the picture I didn’t want in it.

Here I have used the smudge tool to make the sports hall stand out.

Here I have used the sharpen tool to bring a sharp effect out on the bushes and building in the college.

Here I have changed the Vibrance and Saturation of the picture, to change the picture and make it a bit more creepy looking.

Here I have used the smudge effect to give the image main part of the picture stand out.

Here I have used the smudge tool to give the picture a gloomy effect.

Here I have used the curve effect to give it a wacky look to it.

Here I have used the exposure tool to make the colours change brighter so its not dull and to make the image stand out.

Here I have used the lasso tool to get rid of the benches at the front off the college.

Here I have used the smudge tool to blur the background of the image out so you can concentrate on certain parts of the picture.

Here I have used the grayscale effect to give the image a different feel.

Here I have used the photocopy effect to give it the effect that is has been hand-drawn.

Here I have used the find edges tool to give me back the design of the picture I have taken from when I have blurred it out.

Here I have used the blur tool to blur the background out so the building stands out.

A PNG File is a format that supports data compression, and is the most used format on the internet.

A JPEG File is a format that is used with small files and it is used in cameras in the memory cards.

A PDF File is used to present software, hardware and operating systems.

A PSD File is a layered file used in adobe Photoshop, PSD stands for Photoshop document. It is the default program which Photoshop uses to save data.

Copyright is where you are the only legal person who can use the product/image or file, the only way you could use something copyrighted is if the designer let you use for free or if you bought it off them. If you use their product without authorization you could be fined and possibly sent to prison.

I am allowed to use the image for my final design because I took the image so only I could use it.

Check that your final images meet the original client brief and describe why you think it meets your client’s needs.

Is this image in the correct file format? Yes because they are JPEG files. Is it high enough quality? Yes the image is in good quality. Do the images promote Salford City

College? Yes because they promote the facilities of

the college and what it looks like.
