Understanding the need to understand indonesian traditional architecture a bibliography


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Understanding The Need to Understand Indonesian Traditional ArchitectureA Bibliography

Setiadi SopandiPrepared for OMAH talk series, January 9th 2016

Traditional Modern

Mark Jarzombek

The Global History of Architecture (with Francis Ching & V. Prakash, 2007)Architecture of the First Societies (2013)

Mark Jarzombek

The Rise of the So-Called Pre-Modern (2015)Graham, James ed. 2000+ The Urgencies of Architectural Theory

“There cannot be such a thing as a Pre-Modern, for it would mean that modernism has become the Archimedean point of understanding history backward into all of time and space.”

“We live in a globalized world, and architecture students should know the range of issues associated with their discipline as they encounter that world.”

“My definition of modernism is purposefully simple: Modernism is a condition of rupture.”

Learning the so-called ‘Pre-Modern’

Gottfried Semper

The Four Elements of Architecture: A Contribution to the Comparative Study in Architecture (1851)“The hearth ~ metallurgy, ceramics, the roof ~ carpentry, the enclosure ~ textile, weaving, and the mound ~ earthwork.”

Prospectus Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts or Practical Aesthetics (1859)On Architectural Styles: A Lecture Delivered at the Rathaus in Zurich (1869)

Banister Fletcher

A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method (1896)

Colonial Exhibitions


Colonial Exhibitions


Colonial Exhibitions

Netherlands Pavilion at Exposition Coloniale Internationale, Paris 1931

Colonial Exhibitions

Netherlands Pavilion at Exposition Coloniale Internationale, Paris 1931

Colonial Exhibitions

Colonial Exhibitions


Semarang, 1914https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_Exhibition_of_Semarang

Colonial Exhibitions


Semarang, 1914https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_Exhibition_of_Semarang

Ferdinand de Saussure

Cours de linguistique générale (1916)

"Language is no longer regarded as peripheral to our grasp of the world we live in, but as central to it. Words are not mere vocal labels or communicational adjuncts superimposed upon an already given order of things. They are collective products of social interaction, essential instruments through which human beings constitute and articulate their world. This typically twentieth-century view of language has profoundly influenced developments throughout the whole range of human sciences. It is particularly marked in linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and anthropology".

Ruth Benedict

Patterns of Culture (1934)

A culture, like an individual, is a more or less consistent pattern of thought and action. Each culture chooses from "the great arc of human potentialities" only a few characteristics which become the leading personality traits of the persons living in that culture. These traits comprise an interdependent constellation of aesthetics and values in each culture which together add up to a unique gestalt.

Cultural Patterns and Technical Change (1955)

Margaret Mead

Balinese Character (with George Bateson, 1942)Cultural Patterns and Technical Change (1955)

Liang Ssu-Ch’eng

Chinese Architecture: A Pictorial History (1946)

Mimbar Indonesia1947-1965

Wacana tentang “Kebudayaan Indonesia”

Ragam kelompok etnis & budaya daerahPengaruh kebudayaan asingTeknik & industri modernKebudayaan populerKebudayaan feodalMasa laluMasa depanMasa kini

Ragam kelompok etnis & budaya daerahPengaruh kebudayaan asing

Teknik & industri modernKebudayaan populer

Kebudayaan feodalMasa lalu

Masa depanMasa kini

Kenzo Tange

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Memorial Hall, competition entry, first prize, 1942

Kenzo Tange

How to understand modern architecture in Japan today – for the creation of tradition (1955)Katsura: Tradition and Creation in Japanese Architecture (1960)Ise: Prototype of Japanese Architecture (with Noboru Kawazoe, 1965)

Ise Shrine


Ise Shrine

Ise: Prototype of Japanese Architecture (Kenzo Tange with Noboru Kawazoe, 1965)Photographed, published & filmed by Yoshiro Watanabe, 1953



Arata Isozaki

Japan-ness in Architecture (2006)

Claude Levi-Strauss

Tristes Tropiques (1955)The Savage Mind (1962)Anthropologie structurale deux (1963)The Raw and The Cooked (1964)Mythologiques (1964)Myth and Meaning (1978)

Bernard Rudofsky

Architecture Without Architects : A Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture (1964)

Mircea Eliade

The Myth of The Eternal Return (1949)The Sacred and The Profane (1959)

Edward T. Hall

The Silent Language (1959)The Hidden Dimension (1966)Beyond Culture (1976)

Paul Oliver

Shelter and Society (1969)Dwellings: The House Across The World (1987)Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World (1997)Built to Meet Needs: Cultural Issues in Vernacular Architecture (2006)

Amos Rapoport

House Form and Culture (1969)Human Aspects of Urban Form (1977)The Meaning of the Built Environment: A Nonverbal communication approach (1982)History and Precedent in Environmental Design (1990)

Charles Jencks & George Baird eds.Meaning in Architecture (1969)

article:Christian Norberg-SchulzMeaning in Architecture

Robert Venturi

Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (1966)Learning from Las Vegas (with Denise Scott Brown & Steven Izenour, 1972)

Djauhari Sumintardja

Kompendium Sejarah Arsitektur Jilid 1 (1966)

Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana

“Indonesia: Social and Cultural Revolution”, Oxford University Press, 1966, hal 67

“Countless old Indonesian words have been pushed into the background or been eliminated altogether, because the concepts and the ways of thought they express no longer correspond to any substantial reality in Indonesia’s contemporary cultural life.”

Christopher Alexander

Notes on the Synthesis of Form (1964)A Pattern Language (1977)The Timeless Way of Building (1979)

Siti Hartinah Soeharto & Yayasan Harapan Kita

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (1975)http://www.tamanmini.com/tmii.php

Charles JencksLanguage of Post-Modern Architecture (1977)

Geoffrey Broadbent, Richard Bunt, Charles JencksSigns, Symbols, and Architecture (1980)

Joseph Rykwert

On Adam’s House in Paradise: The Idea of the Primitive Hut in Architectural History (1981)

Departement Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


Museum Nasional

Friedrich Silaban

“Idealisme Arsitektur dan Kenyataannya di Indonesia.” Kongres Nasional ke-2 Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 3 Desember 1982

“Tidak perlu meniru-niru bentuk khas Toraja, Minangkabau, Bali, Batak dan sebagainya untuk mengusahakan terciptanya arsitektur Indonesia. Kita jangan mengambil bentuknya, tetapi jiwanya yang banyak menunjukkan ciri-ciri ketropisan.”

Roxana Waterson

The Living House: An Anthropology of Architecture in Southeast Asia (1990)

Koji Sato


“To Live in The Granary”

Rumah Asuh

Rem Koolhaas

FundamentalsAbsorbing Modernity14th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice 2014

Rem Koolhaas

Elements of Architecture14th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice 2014
