TRL Staff Meeting (October 2014)



What are the characteristics of extraordinary organizations?

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October 16, 2014TRL Staff Meeting


• Overview of work to be done

• Break out (2 - 2:35 p)

• Come back & eat (2:40 p in Class of ’55)

• Kim to post ideas in Confluence

Whatever book I’m reading or listening to shapes my thinking.

– Peter M. Senge, 1990

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization

High-performing teams…

Well, more like teams in business or non-profit sectors

We spend a lot of time at work in organizations. For many, the experience is less than ideal.

How can we create organizations (or teams) that enable our collective creativity and motivation to thrive?

Characteristics of Extraordinary Teams

Trust between members

Strengths of some compensate for limitations of others

Shared team goals are larger than individual goals

And they also produce extraordinary results

5 Disciplines

Systems thinking

Personal mastery

Mental models

Building a shared vision

Team learning

…team learning starts with dialogue, the capacity of members of a team to suspend assumptions and enter into a genuine thinking together.

This is your charge for today: !

Qualitatively shift the landscape of Penn Libraries by talking about the things that

matter & finding our own path forward. !

Teams, locations, roles & questions