Transition to College- Open Office




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Transition to College with the MITS Freedom Stick

the freedom to do it yourself

Part One: Open Office Skills

Open Office Skills

1. Organization 2. Taking Notes 3. Saving in Various Formats 4. Using Auto-Correct

Create Course Folders

Double-Click to Open

Create Course Folders

Double-Click to Open

Create Course Folders

Click on "New Folder"

Create Course Folders

Create and Name a Folder for Each of Your Classes

Create Course Folders

Within each course folder create sub-folders to keep yourself organized

Back Up

Back Up your documents folder either to your computer or to another flash drive

Drag this folder icon to your computer desktop

or copy it and paste it onto another flash drive

plugged into the computer

Notetaker File: New

Templates then choose



You can just take notes now,

organize later as a study tool

Auto Date allows you to

save in a course folder by date

Arrows allow you to slide items "left and right" to re-organize outlining


Click to select and replace with

homework and other


Click to select and replace with

Course Name


Use date for file name, this will keep files in order in your folder

Save in Homework folder for this course

Saving in Formats • .odt is default

(Open Office) • .doc is Microsoft

Word full compatibility

• .txt and .rtf are universal formats but will lose much of the formatting


Choose "Auto-Correct"

Select "Tools" Menu


Put phrase or complex word here

Create 3-5 letter "shortcut" here - make

sure it is not a word you'd use ("mitsa" instead of "mits")


Type shortcut then hit spacebar


Phrase or word will appear
