Transhumanism lecture




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With vaccines and medicines and technology being used to

sustain life, how far is too far?

At some point, it is said, that we will reach a point where

humanity as we know it ceases and a new race takes over.

A theomorphic (God-like qualities) race will arise and take

over. The question is where is that line between human and

posthuman drawn?

In light of the coming singularity and the age of

transhumanism, what does it mean to be human? What

does this mean for our Christian faith and salvation?


There is a Physical component of health and vitality.


The Emotional component is important because it is the lens

through which humanity experiences life.


The Intellectual component is the worldview and thought process

that guides each person


The Transcendent component is the belief system that each

person adheres to.


The Social component is the way by which humans interact with

each other and the world around them.

Each component affects other components. If a human is ill

(physical), there is a thought (intellectual) process that adapts their

behaviors (social). That behavioral (social) change will have an

emotional response that will affect what the person believes



However, with the changes that would take place because in the

transhumanism state, life would extend further and further. This will

throw off how our society works and cause problems, as we must

learn a new way to transition our culture so that everyone has a strong



“Then God said, „Let us make man in our image, in our likeness,

and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over

the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move

along the ground.‟ So God created man in His own image, in the

image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

When it comes to posthumans, this would be rather debatable because

posthumans are not human, they are created, fully evolved- i.e. a whole

new race. In this case, they would not fall under the umbrella of creation

so it is unsure whether or not they would have the spirit being.

Do all things that “live” have a spirit within them? Which then would

lead us to ask: What qualifies as living? Because posthumans will be so in-

sync with technology that there is no separation between the “being” and

the “machine.

D O T R A N S / P O S T H U M A N S H AV E T H E

I M AG O D E I W I T H I N T H E M ?

Functional view may be able to see that the Imago Dei is in

posthumans and transhuman because the Imago Dei has to do with

dominance over the rest of creation. Posthumans and transhumans

would definitely have dominion

D O T R A N S / P O S T H U M A N S H AV E T H E

I M AG O D E I W I T H I N T H E M ?


Another orthodox position that is held is that the Traducianism

position that states that the soul matter was instilled in Adam and Eve

and each new person receives a part of the soul matter. This may

create a problem when it comes to posthumans because they are

created, evolved beings in a new race that has very little to do with

humanity. One more view is that God until needed by new human life

stores the souls.