Trabajo de biología azul



Cells: human and plants

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Clara Montalbán Peñalver, 3º A ESO

Introduction:• The cell• Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells• Unicellular and multicellular organisms• Tissues

The cell• All the living beings are composed of cells. • Cells are the smallest units that exist.• They can perform the three basic funtions of life: Nutrition, relation and reproduction.• In the nucleus of each cell is the DNA contains all the

genetic information of each living being.

Organelles of prokaryotic cells:

• Cell wall• Plasmatic membrane• Cytoplasm• Ribosomes • Flagellum• Cilium(pili)

Eukaryotic cells• Eukaryotic cells have got nucleus.• More complex than prokaryotic cells and they have got a nucleus bounded by a wrap.• Examples: seaweeds, fungi, animals and plants. • Two kinds: animal cells and plant cells.

Bounded= delimitado Wrap=envoltura Seaweeds=algasFungi=hongos

Plant cells

• Plant cells have a cell wall that covers the cell giving protection and strength.

• They are the only cells with chloroplasts.• Chloroplasts serve to perform photosynthesis.• Seaweeds and plants have plant cells.

Organelles of plant cells:• Cell wall• Vacuoles • Chloroplasts• The Golgi apparatus• Mitochondria• Rough endoplasmic reticulum• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum• Nucleus• Nucleolus• Ribosomes• Cytoskeleton• Lysosome

Animal cells• Animal cell is a type of cell present in

organisms of the animal kingdom.• Animal cells can take a variety of forms

because it hasn´t got cell wall.

Organelles of animal cells:• Plasma membrane• Nucleus • Nucleolus• Rough endoplasmic reticulum• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum• The Golgi apparatus• Centrosome• Vacuoles• Ribosomes• Cytoskeleton • Mitochondria• Lysosome

Animal cell

The differences between animal cell and plant cell:

• Plants cell has got cell wall and chloroplasts that animal cell doesn´t have.

• The animal cell has got centrosomes and plant cell hasn´t got them.

• Vacuoles are more abundant in animal cells but in the plant cells are larger.

Unicellular organismsUnicellular organisms are formed by a single cell.Most of unicellular organisms are prokaryotes, like bacteria.Organisms of the kingdoms Monera, Fungi and Protoctista are unicellular.

Multicellular organisms

They are formed by two or more cells.The cells of the multicellular organisms can´t live independently, they need the other cells to live.

Tissues• Epithelial tissue: it is a tissue formed by one or

several layers of cells. This tissue covers every body cavities.

• Connective tissue: it joins organs and tissues.• Cartilage tissue: it forms structures.• Muscle tissue: it makes contractions and extensions.

Its function is to allow the movement.• Nerve tissue: it captures stimuli and it gives answers.

Several layers=varias capas Allow=permitir Stimuli=estímulos


Epithelial tissue: Connective tissue: Cartilage tissue:

Muscle tissue: Nerve tissue:

Bibliography:• Enciclopedia Visual de las preguntas.• Enciclopedia del estudiante.• Wikipedia.• WordReference.• Linguee.

Clara MontalbánPeñalver, 3º A ESO