Town Gown ... Geneva 2020.. Hobart and William Smith Colleges


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Geneva 2020: Roadmap to success


Graduation Rate:70.7 % in 201084.9 % in 2016

Our goal:90%

Which students would you give up on?

Geneva 2020 is helping the community rally around every child. Because we refuse to choose!

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Design and Mathematics)

Geneva 2020 Outcome: 90% of students passing Algebra 1 by the end of ninth grade.

• 78.5% of 2015-16 ninth graders passed the Algebra Regents by the end of August.

• New STEAM initiatives in the school district, such as innovative programming like the Robotics and Aviation Clubs, could boost STEAM interest and the Algebra passing rate.

HWS: Anchor entity of Geneva 2020 and proud to host all Geneva 2nd, 6th, and 9th graders for a campus visit every year.

9th grade GHS students visit HWS in October, 2016.

The 2016-17 kindergarten class: 194 students (128 completed the PACE survey)

• 57% attended prekindergarten (Pre-K), including Head Start, as a three-year old.

• 93% attended Pre-K, including Head Start, as a four-year old.

• 38% had three or more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Because of this reporting, the Finger Lakes Counseling Services received grant funding to support extra hours to cover this need.

• 26% of parents and caregivers reported that their child watched two hours or more of TV every day.

PACE literacy findings: 62% of the children

were read to daily 31% were read to

weekly 7% were read to

monthly or almost never

Geneva 2020 Asks Business and Non-Profit Leaders to:

• Consider funding the work of Geneva 2020 and programming that fits Geneva 2020’s goals and outcomes.

• Provide internships, apprenticeships and job shadowing opportunities for high school and college age students.

• Share your career expertise with students (GHS Career Chat).

• Provide summer employment.

Engaging Businesses and Not-for-Profits

What everyone can do:

• Mentor a student.

• Attend school-sponsored events, such as plays, concerts and sporting events.

• Meet and get to know the children in your neighborhood.

• Contact the schools for volunteer opportunities.

• If you have expertise in an area supporting youth, participate in a Geneva 2020 Action Team by contacting Geneva 2020.

Engaging Other Stakeholders

Geneva: A community coming together to support its youth
