Top 10 tips on writing a professional cv


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Job selection is the primary

process before writing a CV.

The main reason for this is

to select one of your interest

are as and develop a

specific CV for it.

Once an applicant of the job

has selected his field of

interest then he must go for

the deep analysis of the

requirements for the job. This

will ensure the maximum

possibility of success, if one

writes CV according to the job


The applicant needs to write

his details about education,

working experiences and

personal information in the


This is the principal part of

the curriculum vitae where

the candidate provides his

personal information, i.e. full

name, address and contact

number etc.

In this section the candidate

needs to provide detailed

information about their

qualification. The best

practice to do it is to write

your latest qualification on

top and previous ones

below with their date of

completion and institutes.

The candidates need to describe

their all working experiences.

Recent ones should be listed

above and previous ones should

be listed below in order, or the

relevant ones should be on top

according to the job you are


This is the optional section

of the curriculum vitae here

the applicant should write

about his extra qualification

other than his academic

education. This will ensure

his job and make good

impression on the readers.

This is the section where

the applicants should write

their areas of interests and

the activities they are keen

on. This helps the employer

to understand more about

the applicants.

The references section

plays vital part in CV. Your

references should be the

people who know you well

and have worked with you

and who can guarantee for

you to the future employer.

The covering letter determines

your writing style better than

your CV which is usually more

brief and truthful.
