To be or not to be on Facebook



a flipbook for Film260 I've never been a Facebook user and I take a lot of good-natured abuse from my friends about it. I feel alternately smug and left out, but I'm too paranoid, too private, and ultimately, too easily frustrated by trivial social drama to get sucked in to it at this late date. So it seemed like the logical talking point for my second Digital Media Studies assignment.

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To be or not to be...

On Facebook

Image by _Max-B [flickr]

a flipbook for Film260by Laura MacDonald

“An estimated 93% of millennials use Facebook.”

Image by garryknight [flickr]

Josh Sanburn - “I’m Not On Facebook and I Don’t Regret It - Yet”


and yet “Facebook is not the Internet. It's just one website...

...and it comes with a price.”

Image by DavidErickson [flickr]Douglas Rushkoff - “Why I’m Quitting Facebook”

“The true end users of Facebook are the marketers who want to reach and influence us. They are Facebook's paying customers; we are the product...

Image by George Rex [flickr]

...and we are its workers.”Douglas Rushkoff - “Why I’m Quitting Facebook”

Image by Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen [flickr]

“Corporations used to have to do research to assemble our consumer profiles... we do it for them.” Douglas Rushkoff - “Why I’m Quitting Facebook”

Image by worldoflard [flickr]

We know this, yet every time Facebook offers us new functionality, we dive back in.

Image by author

“[With Timeline] it’s increasingly about individuals connecting with themselves rather than their friends...

It’s now a thoughtful chronicle of one’s life that

just happens to be public.”

Josh Sanburn - “I’m Not On Facebook and I

Don’t Regret It - Yet”

Image by author

And now there’s the Graph Search tool, allowing ‘friends’ to easily search through every piece of

information you’ve ever shared.Image by author

“The more accessible our Facebook information becomes...

...the less obscurity protects our interests.”

Image by Runs With Scissors [flickr]

Woodrow Hartzog & Evan Selinger - “Obscurity: A Better Way to Think About Your Data Than 'Privacy”

And obscurity can be a

good thing.

“Obscurity is a protective state that can further a number of goals, such as autonomy, self-fulfillment, socialization, and

relative freedom from the abuse of power.”

Woodrow Hartzog & Evan Selinger - “Obscurity: A Better Way to Think About Your Data Than 'Privacy”

Image by Jasmic [flickr]

So why not avoid Facebook altogether?

Image by time stands still [flickr]

After all, “It can be hard enough just getting through

each day...

much less extensively

documenting it all.”

Josh Sanburn - “I’m Not On Facebook and I Don’t Regret It - Yet”

Image by [flickr]

But what happens when you start missing birthdays, parties, events because you’re no longer part of

the conversation?

Image by Kevin McShane [flickr]

“I feel like a generational outlier simply because I don’t

participate in the one thing I believe defines my generation:

Facebook.”Josh Sanburn - “I’m Not On Facebook and I Don’t Regret It - Yet”

Image by yiannisPhotos [flickr]

And abstaining from Facebook is

increasingly seen as nearly as creepy as

Facebook itself.

Image by Elle Is Oneirataxic [flickr]

“The person with no Facebook presence now finds him or herself in much the same position as, going back a bit, a sweaty person who, having lowered his voice in the pharmacy, requested both chloroform and quicklime.”

Catherine Bennet - “Not On Facebook? What Kind of Sad Sicko Are You?”

Image by Bohman [flickr]

“Young people in particular need to anticipate the reaction of a future employer who discovers, with incredulity that gives way only to suspicion and distrust, that an otherwise impressive candidate has recorded nothing online regarding their accumulation of friends, social life or holidays in fun destinations.”

Catherine Bennet - “Not On Facebook? What Kind of Sad Sicko Are You?”

Image by S.S.K. [flickr]

“The warnings of Facebook sceptics are drowned by internet pundits proclaiming the backward-looking futility of resistance.”

Catherine Bennet - “Not On Facebook? What Kind of Sad Sicko Are You?”

Image by Dunechaser [flickr]

Maintaining a Facebook page will always be a tightrope walk between revealing too much and showing too


Image by Nicolò Paternoster [flickr]

And we have to be conscious - verging on paranoid, possibly -


we leave.

of the

Image by Vu Bui [flickr]
