Tips to raise a competent and a confident child


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Tips To Raise A Competent and A Confident Child

"The exhausting cycle of constantly monitoring their work and performance...makes children feel less competent and confident." - Elizabeth Kolbert

Do you know what are the best ways to raise a confident child? Give the kids plenty of opportunities to master as well as practice the skills, allow them to commit mistakes and give a boost to their spirits.

Don’t Control, Start Coaching

It is crucial to coach the children rather than trying to control them. Your job as a parent lies in helping the child develop and flourish through proper guidance.

Avoid Over-Praising

The young kids need plenty of encouragement but if you are always complimenting, the child may get used to it.

Self-esteem only comes from feeling secure and loved. If you are over-praising, you are doing your child more harm than good.

Give Positive Self Talks

The positive self-talks help a lot. The positive self-talks improve the ability to master difficult tasks substantially.

Children prefer to imitate. It is crucial for the parents to model behavior.

Allow the Child Choose

Make sure that you allow the child choose. If you allow them to make age appropriate choices, they are bound to feel significantly more powerful. Just make sure that they take the responsibility of their choices, themselves.

Always encourage the child to try things their way, face challenges as well as take risks. This will help you to raise a competent and confident child.

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