Theme 3 part 12


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Theme 3 Part 1 Spanish Empire

Dylan DeFatta

Diego Vasicuio

The Spanish tried to convert the Indians into Catholics.

Language barrier was a major problem. As Indians became slaves to the Spanish

the language barrier was not as big of an issue as it once had been.

Francisco Baquero Buenos Aires became one of the most

valuable towns for the Spanish. Over the next few years as trading

restrictions dwindled their economy began to boom.

Still no legal system seemed to really exist.

Martin Ocelotl More and more Spanish

ships began being spotted off the coast of Mexico.

Native Aztecs were worried by this and took it as religious symbols.

The Aztecs had never seen ships like this and came up with their own reasoning's for what they might be.

Juan de Morga and Gertrudis de Escobar

Central Mexico became the “heartland” for New Spain.

Two slaves stories of struggle to survive became famous.

The story involves Juan writing a despairing letter on how he had made a pact with the Devil.

Cristobal Bequer Bequer eventually had many

issues with the Church. Real troubles began when

Bequer’s whole family got mixed up in a murder.

Cristobal and his brother ran from authorities and hid in monasteries in Lima.

Isabel Moctezuma During the Spanish Conquest it was said

that Isabel was the father to 150 children. At one point it was believed that he had 50

women pregnant at the same time. There were clearly discrepancies to who

was to be his heir to the Aztec throne.

Beatriz de Padilla In western New Spain, a few large scandals

arose. One of which Beatriz was accused of

murdering two of her lovers. Some even accused her of using magic to


Online Sources Spanish colonization lasted over four-

hundred years. Beginning with Christopher Columbus in

the last 1400’s, the Spanish expanded over a great deal of land.

Colonization of Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico all took place.

Online Sources Along with Columbus, Vasco

Nunez de Balboa was another very famous explorer.

The first mainland settlement did not happen until 1509.

However, this first settlement was abandoned in less that a year.

Online Sources The first permanent Spanish settlement

was in 1510, in Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien.

Although different conquests, the conquest of Yucatan and the conquest of the Aztec Empire were both very important.

The Spanish conquest of Yucatan lasted almost 150 years.

Online Sources During the 19th century, the

Peninsular War began to take place between France and Spain.

It was not until the early 1800s that Independence was declared against Spanish rule.

The Treaty of Cordoba gave Mexico independence from Spain in 1821.

Online Sources Victory was won by the United states in

1898 in the Spanish-American War. This victory marks the end of the “colonial

era.” Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines also

were taken under by the United States in 1898.
