The vark questionnaire_results[1]


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The VARK Questionnaire Results

My scores were:

Visual: 8 Aural: 6 Read/Write: 7 Kinesthetic: 6

I have a multimodal (VARK) learning preference.


Vark: It is a way to find the way we learning. It gives us examples and features of the skills we have to acquire, learn and internalice a process. Vark shows us modalities in learning through a questionare.

It is important to take a questionare like VARK because we are not usually focused on the way we are best at learning, this modality can lead us to take part of the process “vark” gives us.

When we find out the way we learn, we can apply the tips which are defined in the result that we get in vark. This will help us have a better process and way to learn.


There is a variation in skills with this modality, for instance, if I have t oread a paragraph homework, I have to read it over and over to have the main idea and purpose, it also happens when I read a book, I sometimes have t oread over a page or part.

When doing a practical activity, I have to be part of it to prove it Works and it is useful, otherwise I think I will never be part of it. Such as cooking or a way to teach a skill. I always try a new récipe or a new way to have students do a certain activity, if it does not work, I try it over and over until I do it better.

Watching videos in you tuve has been a good way to acquire something in Education or for cooking. This way I can see what people are doing to mimick the process.

Since most people are visual learners, it's important to go beyond "spoken words" when educating students. Students are also more likely to learn material is they're exposed to it in a variety of ways. Always look over your lesson plans to find ways to inject different teaching styles.

Implement "show and tell" sessions to promote student involvement. This will also help you assess each student's overall understanding of the desired learning objectives. There are many ways to use show and tell sessions such as asking students to bring in modern items tp present a real situation.

The use of real people can make subjects such as social studies seem more relevant to daily life. The visual and auditory information conveyed to the students can make a lasting impression. Asking students to bring items to class to pass around or to tell stories about something real and showing the real situation through videos, pictures, using internet is a way to try MULTIMODAL learning.


Let the students perform and demonstrate their knowledge of lesson objectives. The students can help reinforce concepts to each other.

Overhead projector transparencies are still viable audio/visual media.

Listening to music is another way to capture the mood of a specific time period.

Never underestimate the power of a well-made audio/visual presentation.
