The Qiblah


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The Qiblah

The QiblahThe Direction of Prayer: What is it? Why must we have one?

IntroductionWhen you pray your five daily prayers, you pray in a certain direction. In this lesson, we will learn what that direction is called and why we face that way when we pray.

What does QIBLAH mean?Qiblah means direction of prayer.

What is the Qiblah for a Muslim?The Qiblah, or direction of prayer, for Muslims is the Kabah.

How do we know that the Kabah is our Qiblah?Allah informs us of this in the Quraan.Verily, We have seen the turning of your face (O Muhammad) towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qiblah (proper direction) that will please you. So turn your face to the direction of Al-Masjid-ul-Haraam.

Surah Baqarah: 144Listen OnlineOR

Where is the Kabah?

The Kabah is in the city and province of Makkah in the country of Saudi Arabia.

How do we find the Qiblah?There is a misconception that Muslims always pray facing east, that's only true if you're west of Makkah. In the US, it's roughly northeast. If you are in Japan you would face west-northwest, and if in South Africa, you would face north-northeast.1

If you are in a Muslim country, you can ask someone which direction the Kabah is in. If you are in a non Muslim land, you may have to rely on technology to help you. Some ways you can determine the qiblah include using the sun, a sundial, a watch, a compass, or advanced technology such as apps. Find out how your family determines the Qiblah in your home.


What if we find out that we were praying in the wrong direction????"If a Muslim is on a journey or in a land in which it is not easy to find someone to show him the Qiblah, then his prayer is correct even after it becomes clear to him that he did not pray towards the Qibla. But if he was in a Muslim land, his prayer is not correct, because he is able to ask someone to show him the direction of the Qibla, just as he is able to know the direction of the Qibla via the mosques."

And those are the basics of the Qiblah!Now, see if you can answer the following review questions!What does qiblah mean?What is the qiblah of the Muslims and how do you know?Where is the Kabah located?What are some ways we can determine our qiblah?You were traveling and prayed and did not know the qiblah. Do you have to pray over again?

The End2016 TJ Homeschooling

AL-BAQARAH 143-144Ash-Sharqawi , track 102015 | THE HOLY QURAN89496.43
