The power of pictures


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The Power of Pictures

The Art of Politics : Propaganda Posters & Political


What is propaganda?

Pro-pa-gan-da : ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government,

etc. -Merriam Webster Dictionary

And what's the best way to spread ideas?


Wartime Propaganda

"The most obvious examples of propaganda occur during wartime,

when it is used domestically to foster support, recruitment, and production

for war, and externally to enlist allies, deceive enemy combatants, or

persuade them to surrender." - Marshall, D (2008). Propaganda. In Encyclopedia of Social Problems.

"The high rates of venereal diseases among

military personnel also led the U.S. War

Department to institute far-reaching anti-VD

campaigns during World Wars I and II" Joseph, D.

George."Sexually Transmitted Diseases." Dictionary of American


During World War II,

emotional appeals like these were

used to encourage citizens to buy war bonds.

This cartoon drawn on an envelope dates back to the civil war.

Political Cartoons

Before the advent of radio or television, political cartoons played a major role in exposing political corruption and social problems.

This cartoon shed light on the hypocrisy of America protesting the exclusion of Jewish American people in Russia at the same time Chinese people were being excluded from


This cartoon depicts the statue of liberty covering her eyes as the terrorist attacks of 9/11 take place.

The Power of Pictures lesson notes say "Works of art often aim to transform more than to inform." Nowhere is this more true

than in the arena of political art. This type of art is powerful (and potentially dangerous) because it aims to shape our political views and ones political views are a gateway into their minds and hearts. For better or worse art has aided people in their navigation and

understanding of the political world.
