The hole in the ozone layer(2)




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The Ozone layer hole

and its consequences…

Planet earth is vulnerable to negative human action

The ozone layer protects us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation

O2 + UV → 2 OO2 + O → O3

In 1985 the Ozone layer hole was revealed:

it was drastically growing in size and rate.

Academic publications increased progressively during the 1990s.


90% of the Ozone is located in the Stratosphere between 10 and 50 km above the earth's surface …

… and it is transparent as well

WHY is the Ozone layer being destroyed?

man-made chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the main cause for Ozone layer depletion



The Ozone layer hole is mainly located above the Antarctic

Consequences …

CFCs greatly contribute to global warming

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation could result in skin cancer

Worldwide Melanoma of Skin Cancer Incidence

There is some good news as well…

Montreal Agreement

• 1987 international treaty• Signed and ratified by 195 countries• Sharply reduced CFCs worldwide• Full recovery not before 2050

In 2010 the size of the Ozone layer hole was the 2nd smallest in over a decade

So what do we learn?
