The Dragonfly Effect book report




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Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways to use Social Media to Drive Social Change


What’s the Dragonfly Effect?

The dragonfly is the only insect able to propel itself in any direction -with tremendous speed and force-

when its four wings are working in concert, demonstrating that small actions can create big


What’s it All About?•Helps harness and leverage social technology strategically and interactively to achieve a single, focused, concrete goal• Road map to doing something purposeful, thoughtful, and well designed.• Teaches how to harness the power of social media for social good, by blending the theory underlying social change and the applications of social media.

Focus: How to Hatch a Goal That Will Make an Impact


Five Design Principles - HATCH1. Humanistic

1. Focus on understanding your audience rather than making assumptions about quick solutions

2. Actionable1. Use short-term tactile micro goals to achieve long-term macro


3. Testable1. Before you launch, identify metrics that will help evaluate your

progress and inform you actions. Establish deadlines and celebrate small wins along the way.

4. Clarity1. Keep your goal clear to increase your odds of success and

generate momentum

5. Happiness1. Ensure your goals are meaningful to you and your audience

Barack Obama’s 2008 Campaign• Present a focused message and vision • Obama focused on three key words: hope, change, action

• Map out your digital landscape• Know social influences, the top bloggers, the top social networks , and the central

communication hubs

• Build relationships• Listen, be authentic, and ask questions

• Have a clear call to action• Every action in the Obama campaign was geared toward getting people to vote.

The purpose of online activity was to create offline activity

• Empower brand ambassadors• Embrace co-creation; let the brand evolve without you directing the evolution

Grab Attention: How to Stick Out in an Overcrowded, Over-messaged, Noisy World


Hook and Reel• More than capturing someone’s interest for a moment as he scans a page or screen. It’s a deeper, more elaborate hook.

• Create a situation where people want to know more

• Great idea? How will you break through today’s barrage of noise?

Design Principles to Grab Attention- PUVV1. Get personal

1. Create with a personal hook in mind

2. Deliver the unexpected1. People like consuming and then sharing new information.

Draw them in by piquing their curiosity. Look to reframe the familiar.

3. Visualize your message1. Show, don’t tell. Photos and videos speak millions of words.

Synthesize your thoughts with quick visuals.

4. Make a visceral connection1. Design your campaign so that it triggers the senses: sight,

sound, hearing or taste. Use music to tap into deep, underlying emotions.

Mark Your Progress•Gauge effectiveness of every presentation campaign to assure how well you’re grabbing the attention of your audience.

•Establish a baseline giving you something to wok against and measure your progress•Google Analytics and Twitter Mentions

Engage: How to make people connect to your goal


The Fundamentals of Engaging• “Engage is arguably the most challenging of the four

wings, because love occurs infrequently, and engaging others is more of an art than a science.”

•Why engage?•

• Engagement has little to do with logic or reason• A person can have a ton of logic to get other people to engage in a situation•Without emotion people will not be swayed• Emotion is everything, if you want to get people involved

Companies Using Engagement• Profit companies want consumers to engage through social media

• Pampers example

• $718-826 Mill increase

• Dell and Twitter

• $3 Million to $6.5 Million

High Engaging Campaign Characteristics

•Transparency• Interactivity• Immediacy•Facilitation




Design Principles of Engagement•Tell a story


•Be Authentic

•Match the Media•Meaning mix up the media to reach different target elements

Take Action: how to empower others, enable them- and cultivate a movement


Taking Action• Alex’s story• Alex’s lemonade stand

• SOCIAL MEDIA OF ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND• Timing is everything• Facebook and Twitter are different species

Inspiring Action•When you grab people’s attention… they listen

• People may listen but getting them to join in and take action is the hard part

• You need to know what to ask for and how to ask for it

• You must listen to how the audience responds so you can continually integrate their reactions and feedback.

Call to Action• Many call to actions fail, because they do not offer anything too compelling• People need a call to action to make moves- a compelling and convincing one.• Ask for time before money


1) Set up a social web presence to solicit donations is so easy that it has led to a proliferation of money asks.

2) Social media users expect transparency

3) Social media serve as agents to action, they are far more than fundraising tools.

Design principles to empower others into taking action •Make it easy

• Be concrete

•Make it fun

• Be open

• Tailor (idiosyncratic fits between talents skills or interest and what you need accomplished. Match

their skills to your needs)
