The Cup that Cheers: Journey of Tea from China to Europe



Presentation to commemorate the 200th anniversary celebration of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice for the Department of English at V. G. Vaze college of Arts, Science & Commerce, at a State Level Seminar, on 3rd August 2013. Presentation conducted by Snigdha Manchanda, Founder & Tea Sommelier, Tea Trunk.

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Discovery of Tea

China: Jasmine Green Tea

Types of Teas: Depending on the process of oxidization

White Tea Green Tea Oolong Tea Black Tea Pu’erh Tea

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Japan: Sencha Green Tea

Ancient Tea Horse Road

Ancient Tea Horse Road

Vodka or Tea?

Russia: Russian Caravan Tea

Is Tea native to India?

England: Afternoon Tea

 Jane Austen lived before inventor of the Afternoon Tea Party

 Jane Austen lived before inventor of the Afternoon Tea Party

Jane Austen’s favorite tea

Jane Austen’s Tea Treats

Quotes from Jane Austen Novels

""Perhaps you would like some tea, as soon as it can be got." They both declared they should prefer it to anything." – Mrs. Price to Fanny and William in Mansfield Park, chapter 38.

Before tea it was rather a dull affair; but then the before tea did not last long, for there was only one dance, danced by four couple. Think of four couple, surrounded by about an hundred people, dancing in the Upper Rooms at Bath. – Jane Austen, May 12, 1801

"You must drink tea with us tonight." --"Sense & Sensibility"

“Would you care for weak or strong tea?”

Several tea drinking practices considered new-age are in fact the original ways of taking tea.

Health benefits of Tea being rediscovered

Tea: East and WestTea: East and West

Coffee has conversations. Tea has tales.

Thank You!

Photo Credits:Google Images, Wikipedia
