The beatles




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THE BEATLES — the British rock group from Liverpool, based in 1960 as a part of which played: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. Also at different times as a part of group acted Pete Best, Stewart Sutcliffe and Jimmy Nicol. The majority of compositions of The Beatles are created in a co-authorship and are signed by John Lennon and Paul McCartney's names.

From the moment of release of a single of "Please Please Me/Ask Me Why" in 1963 the group began an ascension to the world recognition, the creativity having generated the global phenomenon under the name Beatlemania. The four became the first British group which plates won popularity and the first places in charts of the USA, and the world recognition of the British collectives, and also "Liverpool" of sounding of a rock music began with it.

Musicians of group both their producer and sound producer George Martin possess innovative development in the field of a sound recording; combinations of various styles, including symphonic and psychodelic music; and also shootings of videoclips.The Rolling Stone 100 magazine delivered to The Beatles on 1 place in the list of the greatest performers of all times.

In the Rolling Stone 500 list the first place is taken by an album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The group won seven awards of the Grammy. All four, in acknowledgement of merits before the country, is awarded by the awards MBE. As of 2001 only in the USA over 163 million disks of group were sold. The total amount of sales of units of media of a content (disks and cartridges) connected with group for this moment exceeded one billion copies.

Now about John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr

John Lennon-British rock musician, singer, poet, composer, artist, writer. One of founders and participant of the The Beatles group, popular musician of the XX century. After disintegration of The Beatles began solo career.

In 2002 the media corporation of the BBC interviewed for definition of hundred greatest British of all times. John Lennon took the eighth place in this list. Also Lennon took at once two places in the list of 50 greatest performers of all times according to the Rolling Stone magazine version: 1 as a part of The Beatles and personal 38. The British magazine Classic Rock included Lennon in the list of the greatest guitarists of all times.

James Paul Makkartni-British musician, singer, composer, producer, one of founders of The Beatles group, sixteenfold owner of an award of the Grammy, gentleman of an award of the British Empire. In 2011 it is recognized as one of the best bass guitarists of all times according to poll which has been carried out by the Rolling Stone magazine.The duet Lennon-McCartney became one of the most influential and successful author's unions in the history of modern music.

George the Harrison-angliysky rock musician, the singer, the composer, the writer, the producer, a sitarist and the guitarist who has received the greatest popularity as the solo guitarist of The Beatles. Harrison takes 21 places in the list of 100 greatest guitarists of all times according to the Rolling Stone.B magazine version 1965 Harrison together with other Beatles was awarded the order the British Empire. [8] ] "Oscar" was Harrison's other award with The Beatles.

Ringo Starr - the British musician, the author of songs, the actor. It is known as the drummer of The Beatles group. Earlier he played in bit group of Rory Storm of Rory Storm and The Hurricanes which at that time was the main competitor of The Beatles in Liverpool. In 1968 during record "White album" Paul McCartney unexpectedly swore with Starr, having called him "the primitive drummer". That in reply to time left group, acting in at film and being engaged in advertizing.

The Beatles stopped collaboration in 1970 though already at least since 1967 Paul and John kept own projects. After disintegration each of musicians continued solo career. In 1980 near the house John Lennon was killed, in 2001 from a cancer George Harrison died. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue to be engaged in creativity and write music.
