Testosterone 1


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Our Baby Testosterone

Jordan WeintraubMario Ciao



Jordan Weintraub and Mario Ciao

Lipid Steriod


Our baby is composed of Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. C19H28O2

Favorite Play Spots

When we can’t find him, we look in the testes or the ovaries.

Found You!

Testosterone is a type of lipid, but more specifically is a steroid.


Lipid Family

Talents of our family

A lot of people come to us for our excess amount of stored energy in our garage. They also look to us for protection.

Talents of Testosterone

Our baby makes peoples muscles and skeletons stronger. Our baby is also responsible for peoples’ secondary characteristics.

Why are we good parents?• We are the perfect

parents for our child because Mario gets his good looks from testosterone, and Jordan gets his huge muscles. Also we have testicles which are a great place for the testosterone to hang out.

Works Cited

• http://articles.muscletalk.co.uk/article-steroid-chemistry2.aspx

• http://bioweb.wku.edu/courses/biol115/Wyatt/Biochem/Lipid/lipid1.htm

• http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/459169/
