ten tips to be the class clown


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ten tips on being the class clown

by: tristan olson


Know the audience, a knock-knock joke won’t be funny to a group of senior citizens.


Know the joke! If you mess up or forget the punch line, then the whole joke will be RUINED.


Don’t tell jokes that everybody already knows, you won’t be funny and you’ll look like a…



Keep ‘em short. Lots of details and a long plot will take away from the humorous content.


Don’t steal jokes from stand-up comics. Jokes are material, and it is how they earn a living.


Raunchy and dirty jokes are NOT classy and can be offensive so please, try to avoid them.

Stay classy…


Make fun of your own flaws. If you joke about someone else’s then they will take it personally and might give you a tear instead of a chuckle.


The humor doesn’t have to come from a joke. Lots of situations that people laugh at often come from character exaggeration and vocal expression.


Remember that this is a classroom so your jokes should occur at appropriate times, unless you want to face the wrath of the teacher!


The point of being humorous is to make everyone laugh so just

have fun with it!

