Ten reflections (1)


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The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).


1. Describe the event very briefly.I loved this presentation because this experience has been motivating and inspiring. The slides are colored and attractive but they also introduce the topics in a very realistic way. The various slides have give me a new attitude and view towards learners and enriched me a lot. It,s necessary to motivate pupils.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?Do I use correctly maps with my pupils?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?I work in a primary school and I use maps to help students

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?

It’s important to take me new knowledges.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?

Good topic… important and interesting.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?I will read a lot about this topic to increawe my experience

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?To use maps and videos of all subjects.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?I prefer courses online or face to face

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event.  . The guidelines of the Education recommend not to use maps with dyslexic students because they tend to cut the text in fragments, it’s true?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).“ OPTIMIZING YOUR ONLINE LEARNING WITH MIND MAPS”Morrain, 04/02/2017- 2 p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.This conference reflect on potfolio online and I think that is very important have a e-portfolio for me and my pupils, but I work in a primary school and my children are very little for the e-portfolio. This is different for the teachers and the Italian teachers are facing because for example, me and my collegues collect badges, demonstrate our abilities, increase our knowledges and our skills. Documents can be stored on hard drives, Zip disks, or CD-ROM in many digital formats such as text documents, picture files, web pages, digital video, and presentation files.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?Can I use e-portfolio for students?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?I don’t know

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?This event is very important about CLIL knowledge.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I was very well, it is an interesting event.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?The challenge is to find out the best model of Eportfolio and show my skills.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?To write a few posts on the topic.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?Courses online and face to face

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. I haven’t other questions


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).AFFECTIVELY ENGAGING MATERIALS AND LANGUAGE LEARNING”Bollas- 04/02/2017 8 p.m. online

1. Describe the event very briefly.Angelos Bollas helped attendees to reflect on affective engaging materials and their use to improve language learning, through an exaustive comparing activity with the Bloom's taxonomy.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?What is racism in 2017?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?In my classroom I use to work on racism and prejudices especially in occasions like 27 January “holocaust day".

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?I reflected on prejudices and how often to adopt racist behaviours unintentionally.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I was discomfort, but this topic is important and interesting.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?It's difficult for my pupils they’re little.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?To use storytelling and not video.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?I think to read tales

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. Can a man destroy racism?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).“ONLINE LEARNING FLOW FOR EDUCATORS AND LEARNERS”Jordao, 03/02/2017, 6 p.m. (offline)

1. Describe the event very briefly.During the conference of Jordao I Know the webtool edutopia that is clear and permise to remember some rules: 1. Students learn new ideas by relating them to what they already know, and then transferring them into their long-term memory. 2. Students remember information better when they are given many opportunities to practice retrieving it from their long-term memories and think about its meaning. 3. Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills are developed through feedback and depend heavily upon background knowledge. 4. For students to transfer their abilities to new situations, they need to deeply understand both the problem's structure and context. 5. Student motivation depends on a variety of social and psychological factors. 6. Misconceptions about learning, while prevalent in education, shouldn't determine how curricula are designed or how instruction is provided.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?Can I to use correctly udutopia with my pupils?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?I work in a primary school and I use often webtool.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?The rules are deep and real, inducing you to reflect.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I felt very vell.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?I will read a lot about this topic

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?To use edutopia in my classroom.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?To partecipe courses online and face to face

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event.  . I haven’t questions


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).TEACHING OLD DOGS NEW CLICKS” Diotalevi, 03/02/2017, 2 p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.It is the most fun in the world conference. I had a great look at her: the old dogs are teachers who have to update their knowledge in new technologies and the new click are new devices, technologies.The slides are clear, entertaining and help to reflect.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?We are freedom? Truly free?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?The “modern” teachers need to reflect on the new challenges that the modern way of teching conveys.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?I reflected how to be happy in Ciberland.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I felt good and happy.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?Learn about laws professional.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?I will introduce this learn in my life school.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?I think to read laws in professional situations.

10. Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. Where can I find material about this topic?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH WEB-BASED TECHNOLOGY”Revathi, 04/02/2017- 3:00 p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.The presentation presents examples of software and services available for Web-based communication and collaboration. They are introduced by the educational activity that they most support: communication, collaboration, or coordination, and discussed in terms of relevant attributes of the dimensions introduced above. All of the communication tools described above can be used to support collaboration,but there are also tools designed specifically to support collaborative work.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?I have not asked any questions

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?The “modern” teachers need to reflect on the new challenges that the modern way of teching conveys.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?In my experience on line learning is very interesting.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I felt good and happy to learn new knowledge.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?Learn about webtool and software to use in my classroom.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?I will introduce this learn in my classroom.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?I think to read for online learning.

10. Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. Where can I find material about this topic?My school is technology there are classes 2.0, but often ther are problems with servere and my pupils complete work at home. Is it right?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).“ USING DIGITAL TOOLS IN THE CLASSROOM TO ENHANCE AND REINFORCE HANDS-ON LEARNING IN YOUNG LEARNER”Brodar, 03/02/2017, 9 p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.I had some problems with audio and connection, Susan introduced a 5 hours project of effective learning through technological tools (padlet) in a 9 years old class to enance and reinforce language aquisition.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?How to involve my colleagues to use tecnology in their classroom?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?In my classroom there is LIM and I use padlet and kahoot because they are amusing, interesting, fun and motivating. My students feel stimulated and motivated.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?It’s ok for me

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I was very vell, this topic is important and interesting for me

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?I always need practical ideas and suggestions to improve my activity.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?Spread among colleagues

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?Follow other forum and courses like this.

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event.    How to introduce a bilingual teaching in a public primary school?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).“ PRESENT PERFECT(LY)”Howard- 05/02/2017, 2p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.The conference is made simply and clear and I like power point and paint becase I use often for my lessons with my pupils and my collegues. The slides are full of information, colours and images.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?How to avoid sensory overload?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?Howard give the suggestions for online presentation, but can be helpful for daily teaching too.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?I need semplicity.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I was discomfort, I have sensory overload.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?School presentations are only an example of how difficult it is to select information and use them correctly for an effective learning.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?Semplify my life and my teaching

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. Is it possible to simplify the contents?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).CHALLENGES INVOLVED IN TEACHING AND LEARNING ONLINE”Parminder, 05/02/2017’ 4 p.m.

1. Describe the event very briefly.The conference is made simply and clear, Parminder discusses the effects online teaching and learning.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?I think that teaching and learning online have benefits and challenges.

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?Parminder give the suggestions for online teaching, but can be helpful for learning too.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?Online teaching requires a knowledge and comfort in the use of technology and re-envisioning course goals, activities, and assessments.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I felt good to learn.

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?A teacher is costantly facing challenges, it’s one responsability to look for the quality of learn-teach process.

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?To use more the online teaching.

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?I review the conference to have more ideas

10.Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event. How best to use what I learned in my class?


The following document shows the “guidelines” for writing a reflection on face-to-face or online events.

Give the title, date, presenter, course number or name, and where the presentation took place (online/face-to-face).“SOFT SKILLS TRAINING USING LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS”Conrad, 03/02/2017, 7 p.m. on line

1. Describe the event very briefly.Conrad said when children learn a soft skill (say, verbal communication) socially, they absorb it without the help of curriculum or formal teachers. They obtain it from their peers whom they are observing and whose behaviors they are adopting. Once you have implemented a Learning Management System and transitioned from in-person training to an online or blended learning model, simply integrate soft skills training into your company’s employee-training program. The combination of technical skills and soft skills will. Equip your pupils with the character traits required for success in work and life by launching a Learning Management System, then integrating soft skills training into workplace culture.

2. Did you connect with the other attendees or the speaker? If so, how?No

3. What questions came up as you watched the event?How do I learn soft skills?

4. How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?I work in a primary school and it’s needed for my professional development.

5. What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind as your watched the presentation?This event is very important to take me new knowledges.

6. How did you feel as you watched the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?I was very vell, this topic is important and interesting for me

7. What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?The relations between career development and Soft skills

8. What steps can you take to resolve the challenges?Spread among colleagues

9. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw?To partecipe courses online and face to face

10. Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event.  . How do I learn Soft skills?
