Technical english vocabulary


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Technical English

General & Technical Vocabulary

Sl.No Column A Column B

1 Complex Intricate

2 Device Instrument

3 Diversion Turning aside

4 Capacity Ability

5 Erosion Wearing away

6 Permeability Passing through

7 Significantly Markedly

8 Augmentation Increase

9 Implement Tool

10 Consumption Use

11 Extraction Taking out

12 Collateral Property pledged by a borrower

13 Flotation Remaining on the surface

14 Default In the absence of an alternative

15 Stagnant Not moving or changing

16 Amalgamation Bringing together

17 Distress Suffering

18 Cyanidation Process of treating something with a cyanide compound

19 Migrant A person who moves from one place to another

20 Rural Relating to the countryside

21 Urban Relating to towns and cities

22 Cramped Confined within narrow limits

23 Statistics Numerical facts systematically collected

24 Recruit Take people into service on contract

25 Import Bring into a country people, goods etc, from foreign countries

26 Spell A condition caused by or as if by magical powers

27 GeniusA person having an instinctive and extraordinary capacity for creative


28 Stimulus Something that rouses people to activity

29 Nucleus Central part of the atom

30 Uranium Metallic element

31 Fission Division of the atom

32 Disposal Getting rid of

33 Core The innermost part

34 Coolant Cooling fluid

35 Breeder Producer

36 Radiation Giving out rays

37 Hazard Danger

38 Contamination Pollution

39 Fiction Not factual

40 Fantasy Wild imagination

41 Extraterrestrial Not belonging to the earth

42 RobotMachine which can perform some of the actions of a human being or


43 Sensor Device composed of silicon

44 Natural language Of words in human communication

45 Artificial Electronic device producing awareness of the surroundings

46 Intelligence The faculty of verbal expressions and the use

47 ChipThe capacity of a computer for learning and decision taking similar to

human intelligence

48 SemiconductorMaterial whose conductivity at room temperature lies between that of

metals and insulators

49 MicroprocessorElectronic device which can perform a range of basic logical functions

upon given signals

50 Plying Wandering

51 Enforce Compel

52 Fatal Resulting in death make sure something is followed

53 Violation Non-observance (of rules etc)

54 Pedestrian A person who walks

55 Stringent Severe

56 Regulation Rules

57 Stray Moving between places

58 Congestion Abnormal accumulation of people, traffic

59 Hazard Danger

60 HeritageAn object, custom or quality which is passed down over many years

within a family or nation

61 Intact Whole; unaffected; in one piece

62 PanoramaA complete view of a wide stretch of land; a continuously changing view

or scene

63 Exotic Strange; unusual, and attractive

64 Repository A place where things are stored

65 Lush Growing thickly, very well

66 Spectacular Of grand appearance

67 Tranquil Calm, peaceful

68 Sanctuary An area for wild birds or animals where they may not be hunted

69 Diversity Variety; having differences

70 Technology Scientific knowledge needed for industry

71 Appropriate Suitable

72 Exploitation Using, usually unfairly, for one’s own benefit

73 Indigenous Living or growing in a place where originally from

74 Innovative Having the quality of introducing new things, making changes

75 Porridge Soft food made by boiling a cereal in water or milk

76 Coagulum Thick, sticky, solid mass

77 Husk Dry outer covering of grain, seeds, etc

78 Nutrition Nourishment

79 Extraction Obtaining juices by pressing, crushing, boiling

80 Inedible Unfit to eat

81 Indispensable Necessary

82 Anticipate Consider beforehand

83 Transaction A piece of business done between people

84 Casually Unmethodical, unconventional

85 Enclosure Something included with a letter in the same package

86 Informal In an unplanned, careless manner

87 Instantly Immediately

88 Feedback Response

89 Conservation Reservoir, a place where water is collected and stored

90 Genetics The scientific study of the way qualities are passed on from one

generation to the next

91 Amphibian Organism able to live both on land and in water

92 Submergence Being placed under water

93 EcologyBiology dealing with mutual relations between organisms and their


94 Afforestation Expansion of forests

95 Repercussion A reciprocal action or effect

Prepared By: G.Babu

Source : English for Engineers and Technologists , Combined Edition (Volumes 1 and 2)
