Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Young Learners


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Reflecting on TEFL2YL

Reflecting on the Online Course TEFL2YL EVO 2016presentation by Nives Torresi

About the course ...TEFL2YL EVO 2016Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Young Learners a

course created and organized on the Moodle for Teachers website, care of Integrating Technology by Dr Nellie Deutsch

The course organized in conjunction with the EVO session for 2016 for a total duration of 5 weeks culminating in a final Certificate of Completion brought together participants from the world over to communicate and share their ideas for Teaching English to Young Learners in their classrooms.

Moodle for Teachers

Weekly ActivitiesForumsGetting Acquainted - meeting

one another by introducing ourselves in the forum

Support forum - asking questions and help from Moderators or Fellow Participants

Webinars - listening and watching presentations by experts in the field

TasksForum for discussing use of

methodology and tools for presentations

Activity - creating a module for use in a real classroom to put into practice the use of the tools and methodology discussed

Images of the Forums & Tasks

My dual role ...ModeratorAssisting the participants in a

weekly basis within the forums, task completion, activities review.

Reporting to administrator for all activities or if any incongruencies along the way.

Checking the workload of participants.

Participant Adding my own thoughts on

my own methods or discussing the current week’s theme in order to learn from interaction with other like minded colleagues in the course.

Looking forward to getting the weekly badge for work completed and final Certificate.

Badges awarded along the way ...

Creating tutorials to teach each other new tools





DRAMAOverview Intro by Dr Nellie


Overview Intro by Dr Nellie



Discussing Storytelling with KWHL

Plotagon to create a Story Activity for the class

Creating a Board Game !

Action Songs

Reflecting on the Process How important is reflection on our work, if we think that any

time we reflect we are actually looking back at what we have done then we are by that action alone - thinking of it again. So if we can think of it again and again the mere process of reflection is an aid in itself of the remembering process and if by remembering we are learning then it suffices to say that by reflecting we are embracing the learning.

The reflection of our own path in the process of learning culminates from the active participation in the discussion, activities and commitment to the Moodle for Teachers course as a springboard of future learning.

A reflection of an Online Course for Teachers on the “Moodle for Teachers” site during EVO 2016by Nives Torresi

Thank you
