Swansea 2009 Continuation



These are pictures of our 5th graders through the years at our school

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Swansea Elementary

Swansea Elementary

5th Grade ContinuationMay 28, 2009

5th Grade ContinuationMay 28, 2009

5th Graders learn how to use the digital camera


Throw back the shoulders…

Let the heart sing…

Let the eyes flash..

Let the mind be lifted up…

Look upward and say to yourself…

Nothing is impossible!


Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams

Live the life you have imagined.

Each day is a new life.Seize it. Live it

Broadway Santa

Fiddler On The Roof

Christmas Vacation

Beauty and The Beast

Santa Goes Green

Mrs. Ky’s First Graders




The Swansea Specials Team

Ms. Chrobak’s Computer Whizzes

Mr. Sheridan’s Musicians

Mrs. Nehls and her top athletes

Mrs. Meister’s Artists

Cunningham’s Award Winners

Mrs. Baxter’s High Achievers

Mrs. Sanchez

Ms. Tanguma

Miss Maria and Miss Pam-our secretaries

Mrs. Chapin and Mrs. Makelky
