Students and learning


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Students and Learning

Web 2.0: Chapter 2

Today’s students are likely to be a wired generation and today’s teachers and parents are asking for help from younger kids and even their children

Technology affects how we live, communicate, when and where, and how we learn

21st Century Students

Netdays findings include:◦Communication is a key motivator for

students and drives their use of technology for learning and personal use.

◦We can see this is true by the percents that are given towards 21st century students

21st Century Students

71 % of American house holds have web access Americans aged 13-24 spend more time online than TV 65% of students in grades 6-12 use email, personal

pages, and instant messenger every day 79% play video games Only 43% shop

- MYSPACE – there were 100 million users by the time Myspace celebrated their 3rd anniversary

( All of these percents show that having digital technology at their fingertips all the time means that students think, work, and play differently from previous generations)

* Young people are always ahead of the curve

NetDay Speak Up Survey

Even though people use technology in their everyday lives to communicate, what is being communicated is sometimes a problem

- Whenever there is a new a popular site, many kids tend to use that site every day, and listen and believe exactly what they see.

- Because of this, it can lead to people embellishing the truth, and therefore causing a mass amount of people to believe a lie, and then spread around false information to the rest of the population.

These has caused parents and schools to block access to certain websites to try to prevent the spread of false information

Its proven that preschool children are the fastest growing group online


Advertisements Advice Dating School Youtube Music

Most common things viewed online

Students find the use of technology more enjoyable, and thus more educational, when they are able to customize the computers

In the classroom, allow students to choose their method of presentation, where they find their information, and what methods helps them learn the best


Studies show that students learn better when there is a one-on-one student to computer ratio

Bloom’s Taxonomy, that illustrates the cognitive processes involved in learning, has been updated to adapt to students’ changing mental processes

Understanding Learning

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Web Tools help with constructivism because students have a larger access to research, collaborate information through wikis, and illustrate with photos and videos in order provide a more effective and creative product

Technology facilitates better project based activities because students can collaborate with adults and peers, manage work, engage in valuable activities, and work as a team

Constructivism and Project Based Learning

Combining connectivism and constructivism in class gives students the opportunity to gain 21st century skills.


Today, education goals are focused on testing rather than higher level thinking and more meaningful learning

Inaccurate measurements of intelligence are the product of standardized testing

Instruction is narrowed down to just test materials


Choose the best answer by clicking that letter

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Question 1:◦What does Marc Prensky consider


- A. Digital Immigrants- B. Digital Genius- C. Digital Natives


• A. Digital Immigrants• B. Digital Genius• C. Digital Natives

Modern students have been raised with computers, and are thus considered to be “native speakers” of the digital language

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Question 2:◦What age group is considered the fastest

growing group online?


• B. High School• C. Senior Citizens

• A. Preschool

Toy companies are making increasingly technological toys, thus presenting preschoolers with access to technology at much earlier ages

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Question 3:◦What is the main reason for parents and

schools blocking certain access to internet sites?

- A. Being too happy- B. Myspace


• A. Being too happy• B. Myspace

• C. Embellishing of the truth

• C. Embellishing of the truth

Schools and parents are increasingly worried about students accessing and passing false information about themselves

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Question 4:◦Students learn best when they are able to

customize their education?

- True- False


• True• False

Students are more interested in learning, and thus learn better, when they are able to customize their education

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Question 5:◦Most schools have the ability to provide a

one-to-one ratio of students to computers

- True- False


• True• False

Although students learn best with a one-to-one ratio of students to computers, most schools cannot afford that many computers

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Question 6:◦Bloom’s Taxonomy has been revised



• B. The original words were outdated• C. Scientists proved the taxonomy falseB. The original words were outdatedC. Scientists proved the taxonomy false

• A. Students are learning differently

Cognitive Psychologists have discovered more about how the brain works and the changes that have occurred as the current generation becomes more technology dependent

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Question 7:◦Which is not a way web tools facilitate


- A. It allows larger access to research- B. It allows students to collaborate- C. It allows students to illustrate with

photos and videos- D. It allows students to blog on facebook

about personal crises


A. It allows larger access to researchB. It allows students to collaborateC. It allows students to illustrate with photos and videosD. It allows students to blog on facebook about personal crises

Facebook and other social networking sites do not facilitate in the development of new ideas or concepts

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Question 8:◦Combining connectivism and

constructivism in the classroom offers opportunities for students to gain …

- A. 20th Century skills- B. 19th Century skills- C. 21s


• A. 20th Century skills• B. 19th Century skills• C. 21st Century Skills

21st Century skills include higher order thinking skills, applications of technology, adapting to change, workplace skills, etc

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Question 9:◦Which is not a challenge in education


- A. Instruction is based on only information that can be tested

- B. Inaccurate measurements of knowledge are given by standardized tests

- C. Technology allows students to research a larger amount of topics in a more creative way


• A. Instruction is based on only information

that can be tested• B. Inaccurate measurements of knowledge are given by standardized tests• C. Technology allows students to research a larger amount of topics in a more creative way

Technology is opening up new methods of learning that help in the development of 21st century skills

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The End.
