Strategic PR - Internal Communication: An Phuoc



This is an hypothetical campaign.

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RMIT UNIVERSTYCOMM2381 Strategic PR Planning

Group members:Tran Nguyen Ly (s3309992)

Trieu Vi Xung (s3312602)

Pham Thi Huong Tra (s331598)


About An Phuoc

An Phuoc is a well-known clothing line in Vietnam.

The company is expanding its operation (retail stores and

customer services) in Germany.

Client Goal: to encourage the employees of An Phuoc’s

new branch in Germany to buy in the company’s missions

and values

build a mutually beneficial relationship.

The major obstacle:

German employees are not comfortable with major changes.

internal communication is the right tool

help them understand the changes and make sure it is

also beneficial to their own interests

stronger relationship between An Phuoc and its


Problem/Opportunity Statement

Target PublicsPrimary Target Public

(100 employees – sales and customer services)

Urban young adults

Have basic knowledge of fashion and experience in


Looking for stable jobs. leave for better jobs if their needs

are unfulfilled

Communicated through interpersonal media and via the


Secondary Target Public

(15 coporate managers)

Urban adults

In-depth knowledge of team management and


Looking for recognition, prefer to work without external


Communicated through interpersonal media and via the


Target Publics


German employees

To raise awareness of An Phuoc’s full support for its employees by

providing secure jobs among 100% of the target public by the first

three weeks of the campaign.

To gain positive attitudes towards An Phuoc with a sense of being safe

in the company among 70% of the target public by the next seven

weeks of the campaign.

To encourage participation and consultation with An Phuoc regarding

its values among 50% of the target public by the last two weeks of the



Corporate managers

To raise awareness of An Phuoc’s respect and appreciation of its

managers among 100% of the target public by the first three weeks of

the campaign.

To gain positive attitudes towards An Phuoc with a sense of being

recognized in the company among 60% of the target public by the next

seven weeks of the campaign.

To encourage participation and consultation with An Phuoc regarding

its values among 50% of the target public by the last two weeks of the


Umbrella message

“An Phuoc is an organization that places its employees’

interests as the primary concern. The company listens to

your opinions and would develop together to build

mutually beneficial relationships.”

Key messages

For 1st Public

“An Phuoc values every single employee no matter what

their backgrounds are. You will always have full support

from the company.”

For 2nd Public

“An Phuoc is the place where the managers give their best

performance and have the recognition they deserve. You

can always count on us as a team.”

Key messages

The Big Idea..!!

Strategy Statment


What: 5 sessions in total: organizational orientation

goal orientation, role orientation, executive orientation

and functional orientation.

Why: to imprint the company’s philosophy in the

employees’ consciousness



What: includes external and internal

news, key information about the

industry, fun stories.

Why: to improve performance and

to generate positive feelings

Employee Conference

What: CEO announcement, admission forms.

Why: to re-emphasize the employees’ importance

and to re-assure the company’s support

Interpersonal Meetings

What: employees can request to meet the managers

directly in private for work discussion or consultations.

Why: to put them on top of their priorities and to help

the two publics connect.


What: company announcements, jingle, pop-up quizzes,

idea sharing, surveys and feedback with real-time


Why: to generate their interests and participation

Ice Hockey Day

What: mini ice hockey tournament. CEO of An Phuoc

will give a short speech

Why: to blur the gap between the employees and

managers increase work performance as a team

Christmas Party

What: a free for all party to celebrate the holiday spirit,

traditional food & drinks, good luck charms

Why: to boost employee engagement and to show the

company’s generosity and goodwill

The employees are the best

What: upgraded version of employee of the month

Why: everyone has a chance to shine

Uniform Personalization

What: employees can customize their own uniforms,

the leaders give them compliments

Why: to make them feel more

welcome in An Phuoc, share

the company’s ownership.

Letters To Staff

What: 100 letters to 100 employees,

each will have different angles

Why: to make them feel secure with

the working environment

show how much AP values

their employees

Team Meetings

What: weekly meetings with

the managers.

Why: to make sure they’re on the

right track and to give the

managers the credit they deserve.


The problem: employees’ fear of major changes

The solution: focus on employees’ needs

Who: employees and managers

How: 11 tactics throughout a 12-week period.

AsiaRooms 2012, ‘Ice Hockey in Germany’, AsiaRooms, viewed 18 August 2012, <


Brodbeck, F, Frese, M & Javidan, M 2002, ‘Leadership Made In Germany: Low On Compassion, High On Performance’,

Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 16-30.

Burns, R 1995, German Cultural Studies : An Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Corfield, N 2010, ‘Party Animals’, Director Magazine, November, viewed 20 August 2012,


Drake, S, Gulman, M & Roberts, S 2005, Light Their Fire: Using Internal Marketing To Ignite Employee Performance And Wow

Your Customers, Dearborn Trade Publishing, USA.

eDiplomat 2012, ‘Cultural Etiquette - Germany’, eDiplomat, viewed 15 August 2012,


Heritage Foundation 2012, ‘Germany’, Heritage, viewed 15 August 2012, <>.

Prescient Digital 2012, ‘Social Communications: Delivering Winning Internal Communications Programs With The Social

Intranet’, Prescient Digital, 12 July, viewed 18 August 2012, <


Schroll-Machl, S 2003, Doing Business with Germans: Their Perception, Our Perception, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen,


Sidney, K 2012, ‘Employee Of The Month Award’, Articles Base, 19 Jun, viewed 20 August 2012,


Tench, R & Yeomans, L 2006, Exploring Public Relations, Pearson Education, U.K.
