Steven Spagnuolo Digital Resume


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Steven Spagnuolo

Who exactly is he?

I graduated high school in 2006.

It wasn’t the most exciting time of my life but I look back with fond memories as I learned many life lessons.

I began my College journey in 2012…

…and loved every minute of it!

I love photography.

I don’t consider myself a professional, but I do know my way around the camera.

I am passionate about video games.

I have worked in a variety of fields.

Like when I was an outbound sales representative at Sutherland Global Servicesand learned how to effectively communicate with strangers over the phone.

I’m a people person.

I enjoy public speaking (as long as I’m talking about something I am passionate for).

Willing to get his hands dirty to get the job done.

I worked as a custodian for a brief period of time.

(That’s not me --)

I recorded and produced music for artists across the city.

I am fluent with Pro Tools .

I was once a musical artist myself.



•Live performance artist

I have won numerous contests which gained me credibility and financial income.

I love politics.

I am invested with what is happening around the world; from foreign policy to domestic issues. I’m also a big fan of House of Cards!

I interned for the NDP office of Brian Masse.

I did research on critical issues and took photos at events with Mr. Masse.

I one day hope to own a car like this:

I occasionally dress up, although I prefer to stay comfy whenever possible.

(That closed-mouth smile though!)

I have a close circle of friends who I’ve known for the majority of my life.

They keep me humble.

I’ve also met some incredible people over the past two years.

Who I hope to keep lasting relationships with.

I will be graduating soon, receiving my first College diploma.

Studied the field of Public Relations.

Any questions?

Contact me:
