Steering Committee for ETUG (or SCETUG) Orientation


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SCETUG Orientation September 14, 2015

+SCETUG Orientation Hello & Introductions

What we will cover today Background Who’s part of our group What we do – ETUG Community site Our working spaces/tools

SCETUG Meeting Room - BB Collaborate SCETUG Hub – wiki Discussion List

Communication with members The ETUG News and email blasts SCETUG and ETUG Reps @etug is on Twitter ETUG discussion on SCoPE

Time for Questions

+ETUG communityBackground

Grassroots group for networking and sharing best practices in teaching, learning & ed technology

Going since 1994 and celebrated 20th anniversary in 2014

Volunteer committee and members is what keeps ETUG going!

BCcampus sponsors ETUG; funded by the Ministry of AVED

For more background go to our Community site and the SCETUG “Hub”

See posts:

+SCETUG Committee…we’ll add your

photo to the group!

+SCETUG Guidelines

+ETUG Community site –

+Go to the for… Info about upcoming workshops and registration

Archive of resources, recordings (video & audio) & photos from workshops

Tuesdays with ETUG Lunch n’ Learns or T.e.l.l. sessions with summary posts & recordings

ETUG Member Profiles

Archive of the monthly ETUG News

Job Postings of interest to ETUG members

Under “About”: Year-in-Review from Chair & Vice-Chair; SCETUG & ETUG reps

Twitter feed of what is tagged #etug

Blog feed

+SCETUG “Hub” – our wiki working space

+Go to the SCETUG “Hub” for…

SCETUG Committee Guidelines, working group info, plans & timelines

Monthly meeting dates and event dates – Save the date Nov5/6th

Meeting agendas, recordings & notes (feel free to add you items)

Important Links: SCETUG BB Collaborate Room (home page)

Administrivia – expense info (for out-of-town committee members)

Working Drafts of Calls for proposals and other documents

Site is viewable by the public; SCETUG members have Editor access; a few ETUG members-at-large have access if working on a project with us

+More communication tools! Discussion list for SCETUG members (to augment our

monthly BB Collaborate meetings)

Occasional email sent to ETUG Reps – local reps and SCETUG members at BC public post-secondary institutions

The ETUG News – monthly newsletter with stories pulled from and other sources and added content that appears only in the newsletter blast

Twitter @etug tweets currently done by Leva, kele (sometimes BCcampus) Or tweet under your own account and tag #etug

ETUG on SCoPE for forum discussions

+Welcome to SCETUG!Any Questions?