SST handbook 2010




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makesh ift party mask

pa i nt

pa lette

bu l l ’ s eye for your dart

Wanted : Creative,

Inventive Kids Who Like To Learn Differently

handy s ift for ic i n g sugar

There is a hole in this SST handbook. True or false?

True, there is an empty spot in the middle of our handbook. But is it just a hole?

Peek through it; it’s a makeshift party mask. Mix your paint colours on it; it’s the perfect palette. Hook your dangling earrings through it; it’s an accessory holder. Pour icing sugar through it on a cake; it’s a handy sift. Aim your dart at it; it’s an instant bull’s eye.

One teensy weensy hole, and we’ve already dreamt up 5 different uses for it. Imagine what we can do with the fertile minds of bright kids.

At SST, we’re not interested in teaching kids to memorise miles of textbook facts, regurgitate them on an exam paper, then promptly forget about them.

We’re more interested in grooming students to think differently and apply what they learn innovatively.Who don’t just take a clock apart, but are able to put it back in a different, better way. Who learn about water conservation in school, then go home to build a simple water recycling system. Who not just ask why, but why not?

At SST, we make it our business to nurture tomorrow’s inventive minds and show them the world in a whole new way. “SST will value-add to students’ overall growth beyond their ‘O’ Level results, and nurture every student to be a thinker, innovator and entrepreneur,” pledges Mr Chua Chor Huat, Principal of SST.

Think your child has what it takes? Come join us @ SST today.

Wanted : Creat i ve ,

I n vent i ve K ids Who L ike To Learn

D ifferent l y 02

Get Your Quest i o n s

About SST Answered

2 1

The Buzz about SST


How Wi l l SST Students Learn


How to Enro l i n SST


Techno l ogy @ SST


A Ho l i st ic Approach


7 SSTerl i n g Reasons

Why SST i s the Schoo l for You


Meet the SST Team17

How to Tel l if App l i ed

Learn i ng Su its My

Ch i ld07

SST ’s Curr icu l um


Usefu l I nformat i o n



accessory ho lder

for your earr i ngs


Welcome to SST’sHigh-Tech Campus

1 6

1 2

3. Rev Up with our Power packed Partnership with NTU and NP

Singapore’s premier ter tiary institutions, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), are lending their exper tise in curriculum development, facilities design and enrichment programmes to develop SST into a top-notch specialised school. Besides enjoying access to state-of-the-ar t facilities, students also benef it from research and mentorship oppor tunities with NTU professors and NP lecturers which enhance their thinking and research skills.

Thanks to NTU’s collaboration with the US-based Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in setting up the f irst Kauffman campus in Asia, SST students can meet young entrepreneurs from around the world.

A secondary school with ter tiary-standard learning oppor tunities? Now that’s value-add!

4. Link up with Successful Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Just how serious are we about grooming S ingapore ’ s n e x t generation of entrepreneurs and innovators? So serious that we’ve rounded up a Board of Directors that includes distinguished entrepreneurs and technopreneurs. We are also the first secondary school to have an Entrepreneurship Advisory Council, headed by Mr Inderjit Singh, CEO

7 SSTerling Reasons Why SST is the School for You

“I am conf ident that SST will be a well-established,

premier institution, one that offers a distinctive curriculum, preparing its students well for a high f lying career, helping

Singapore compete vigorously on the world stage.”

Dr Su Guaning, President of NTU and Chairman of SST’s Board of Directors

of Inf initi Solutions Ltd. Mr Singh is also a Member of Parliament and is the chairman of the Government Parliamentary Commi t tee f o r the ministries of Trade & Industry and Finance.

Your child will star t networking from the day he or she joins us! If you think your child could be the next Olivia Lum, our valuable industry links could be just what you need to help develop that talent.

1. Get an Early Start to Applied Learning Some learn better by experimenting in the labs or

relating to textbook theories through project work. If your child is one of them, you’ll be excited by what SST offers: an early star t to applied learning. Throughout our curriculum, which is customised to emphasise applied learning, we will help connect the dots between classroom concepts to real-world context. By training students to apply what they’ve studied to what’s outside the classroom, it promotes more enduring understanding of content and better mastery of academic subjects.

Just like at other secondary schools, SST students will also take their ‘O’ Levels. But here, they get to choose from a wide array of subjects, plus a new range of ‘O’ Level Applied Subjects available exclusively at SST. (See pg 8)

The combo of a sturdy academic foundation with practical applied learning skills will prepare students well for the ‘O’ Levels. Best of all, they will enjoy the f lexibility to choose either the junior college or polytechnic route to university.

2. Learning at SST is Multi-faceted Learning is a serious business, but who says it can’t

be fun! At SST, students do more through a variety of creative applied learning platforms. They see more from multiple perspectives via SST’s integrated approach which combines knowledge across disciplines. And they learn more by being daring – our strong focus on Innovation & Entrepreneurship will challenge them to be conf ident, inventive and experimental, to lead rather than to follow!

Trained to constantly think out of the box, SST students will not just be book-smar t but will be a new breed of thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs.

3 4

5. Plug into Information Communication Technology 24/7

SST will tap on cutting-edge Information Communication Technology (ICT) throughout its curriculum. As par t of the FutureSchools@Singapore programme, the school will receive special funding to develop purpose-built infrastructure and facilities. Check out our specialised labs, innovative educational programmes and other high-tech goodies!

6. Learn from Specially-Trained Teachers and in Small Class Sizes

SST teachers are hand-picked for their passion to teach creatively and their ability to impar t applied learning skills to students. We also have experienced lecturers seconded from NP and will be hiring professionals from the industry. With our small class size of just 20 to 25 students, students can expect maximum attention and learning oppor tunities!

7. Excel at the ‘O’ Levels and Beyond! Yes, we aim to groom students with excellent ‘O’ Level

results but we’re looking into more than just straight A’s. Our holistic and broad-based education will also equip SST students with a range of useful life skills, sound moral values, technological smar ts and excellent industry contacts that will give them an edge in whatever they do!

How Will SST Students Learn?

“SST will be a star that shines bright on Singapore’s education landscape. Given the advantages of outstanding school

facilities, hand-picked teachers, an applied learning approach, and small class sizes of 20 to 25 students, the SST has all the

ingredients to help students ace their ‘O’ Levels and lay a solid foundation for post-secondary and university education.”

Mr Chia Mia Chiang, Principal of Ngee Ann Poly technic

The wor ld ’ s f irst portab le TV Toaster

Tra i ned to constant l y

th i nk out of the box ,

SST students w i l l n ot

just be book smart but

w i l l be a new breed of

th i nkers , i n n o vators and


we connect the dots

between c lassroom

concepts to rea l

wor ld context

Applied Learning – Learn by DoingWhat’s applied learning? Think REAL (Relevant, Engaging, Active Learning). Whether it is core academic subjects like Mathematics and Science for Year 1 to 4, or Applied Subjects like Media Studies and Biotechnology for Year 3 and 4, the practice-based approach makes learning more relevant and interesting. Because students are able to see how textbook theories really work in real life, they can understand better and hence gain a stronger foundation of key concepts, leading to better results!

Integrated Approach – Learn from Different PerspectivesCombining different disciplines encourages students to view issues from multiple angles, helping them build critical thinking skills. Two integrated subjects - Integrated Humanities and Ar t, Design, Media & Technology (ADMT) - will be introduced in Year 1 and 2. To blend theory with practice, students will also par ticipate in inter-disciplinary project work to test their knowledge and skills across different subjects.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship – Learn by Being Daring!From our collaborations with entrepreneurs, to industry attachment oppor tunities and enrichment programmes, SST will create a culture that encourages Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Go ahead, be experimental and toy with new ways of doing things! We’ll groom students to be leaders who will take the untested route, ready to wow the world with inventive smar ts and gungho adventurous spirit.

The SST curriculum will be taught in

three key ways - Applied Learning,

Integrated Approach and emphasis

on Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

5 6

Check if your child exhibits any of the following traits. He or she…

1. Talks excitedly about lab sessions in school and readily shares stories about school project work, experiments or research reports.

2. Enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together again. For example, he or she prefers hands-on games like Lego and DIY kits, and books on science and building things.

3. Likes designing his/her own website or blog, f ilming home videos, writing stories or other creative works.

4. Chooses CCAs like Robotics Club, Science Club and Infocomm Technology Club.

5. Tries out classroom theories in fun ways, such as baking cookies to learn about heat, and concocting f izzy cocktails to learn about chemistry reaction.

6. Is easily bored and always looking for ways to do things differently.

7. Has an eye for picking out ‘useless’ bits and bobs and recycling them as interesting DIY projects or gift ideas.

8. Always brimming with ideas and new things to do, such as ways to raise funds for school charity projects.

SST's Curriculum

Year 1 & 2Focus is on regular academic subjects with emphasis on real-world applications.

+ =

Compulsory Core Subjects

English Language

Mother Tongue Language

Elementary Mathematics


Integrated Humanities

Art, Design, Media & Technology (ADMT)

Student Development

Sports & Wellness


Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Programme +

Character, Citizenship, Leadership, Lifeskills

Year 3 & 4Students choose a combination of 6 to 7 regular ‘O’ Level Subjects and 1 to 2 Applied Subjects.

+ =

Compulsory Core Subjects

English Language

Mother Tongue Language

Elementary Mathematics

Additional Mathematics

Choose 1 - 3 Science Subjects

Pure Physics

Pure Chemistry

Pure Biology

Choose 1 Humanities Subject

Social Studies & Geography

Social Studies & History

Student Development

Sports & Wellness


Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Programme +

Character, Citizenship, Leadership, Lifeskills

Choose 1 - 2 Applied Subjects

Design Studies

Media Studies (EL)

Fundamentals of Electronics

Environmental Science & Technology


Whether it is conventional subjects like Languages and Mathematics, or Applied Subjects like Media Studies and Biotechnology, you can expect an SST twist in every lesson.

Rich applied learning

experience with solid grounding

in academic subjects @ SST

Broad-based and holistic

learning with solid grounding in

academic subjects @ SST

How to Tell if Applied Learning Suits My ChildWhile the list below is not exhaustive, it will help provide you with some ideas on how to star t talent-spotting.

7 8

ScienceApplying Science in real life: In year 1 and 2, students learn to apply their knowledge of science and to solve real-world problems creatively. For example, project work can involve collectiing data on the temperature and lighting patterns in the classroom, and coming up with energy-saving solutions to keep the classroom cool.

In Year 3 and 4, students develop a deeper understanding of scientif ic concepts through typical subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Biology, or new Applied Subjects like Biotechnology, Environmental Science and Technology, and Fundamentals of Electronics.

MathematicsHarnessing the power of Mathematics: All SST students will take Mathematics and Additional Mathematics at the GCE ‘O’ Level examination. The subjects will be brought to life by teaching the students to apply Mathematics in the everyday life, such as how the concept of algebra can be applied to the variety of mobile phone plans on offer to f igure out the best deal for individuals and families.

LanguagesBringing Languages to Life: More than just honing grammar and spelling, we want to groom eloquent and conf ident communicators who can use the gift of words effectively. For example, students may practise their writing skills by penning news ar ticles for an SST e-magazine on its website. Or, to develop their analytical skills, they may be asked to compare and understand the different context and angles that mainstream newspapers, tabloids, magazines and popular blogs used to repor t the same news event.

HumanitiesIntegrated Humanities for a better world view: Teachers will draw on real-life examples to encourage a macro world view. In Year 1 and 2, students will study Integrated Humanities, an interdisciplinary subject that combines History, Geography and Economics. In Year 3 and 4, they may learn about global interdependence in Social Studies class, for example by analysing Arab-Israeli relations in the Middle East and America’s involvement in the f irst Gulf War to appreciate current world affairs.

Year 3 and 4 students also get to par ticipate in specialised action-research mentoring programmes such as the Nanyang Research Programme (NRP), mentored by academics from NTU.

“To create high growth technology enterprises for the future, Singapore needs to expose our students to entrepreneurship,

especially technopreneurship, as early as possible. SST is the best place to start… I am sure that in the long term, we will be able to see many technology companies

started by SST students.”

Mr Inderjit Singh, CEO of Inf initi Solutions, Chairman of SST’s Entrepreneurship Advisory Council,

and a member of the SST’s Board of Directors9 10

3. Design Studies From creative idea generation, learning from successful media designers to working with state-of-the-ar t computer graphic software and rapid prototyping systems, this subject will suit those with a keen interest in applied ar ts and design. Students will conceptualise and build models of trendy mobile phones and furniture, design a website or TV ad, or even take par t in national and international communication design competitions. There’s no limit to creativity!

Did you know? There is growing demand for applied learning among Singaporean students. In 2007, 70 secondary schools partnered polytechnics to offer 60 Advanced Elective Modules in a variety of f ields, attracting 2,300 students. Also, since 2008, hundreds of students at 8 schools have taken new GCE ‘O’ Level Applied Subjects such as Creative 3D Anima tion, Fundamentals of Electronics and Introduction to Enterprise Development.

SST is the f irst secondary school to offer the widest range of Applied Subjects, including 3 new subjects exclusively for SST students only. Our students get to choose up to 2 Applied Subjects while their peers can only take 1.

1. Media Studies (EL) Designed to train students in media literacy, it helps hone

critical thinking and writing skills, both essential skills for subjects like General Paper and Knowledge and Inquiry in junior college. Students gain a f irm foundation which helps them in fur ther studies related to media. They will also enjoy hands-on experience in video production, from scripting and f ilming to editing and audio mixing. Budding f ilm makers, star t your blockbuster now!

2. Fundamentals of Electronics Students learn the basics of electronics through a variety

of projects, such as electronic circuit construction. Imagine being able to build a simple computer! The knowledge gained from this subject will be relevant to many f ields of engineering, which gives them a head star t should they choose to enrol in an engineering course in a ter tiary institution later.

Applied Subjects at Year 3 and 4SST offers the widest range of Applied Subjects at ‘O’ Levels, which feature rigorous coursework with a strong emphasis on experiential learning and a practice-oriented assessment.

Art, Design, Media and Technology (ADMT)The power of Ar t, Design, Media and Technology (ADMT): The ADMT syllabus provides Year 1 and 2 students with a strong grounding in the fundamentals while exposing them to design-related f ields such as Graphics & Information Design, Product & Industrial Design, Interactive Digital Media & Video Production, and Architecture & Environment Design. These subjects are springboards to more advanced modules like Applied Subjects on Design Studies and Media Studies (EL) at Year 3 and 4.

To test their ADMT smar ts, they may be challenged to design funky cases for MP3 players. Here’s where they apply their knowledge on ergonomics, anthropometry, culture, geographical and even lifestyle considerations.

Innovation & EntrepreneurshipInjecting Innovation & Entrepreneurship: A targeted approach to instill early in our students a sense of curiosity, a passion for creativity, an innovative spirit, an entrepreneurial mindset and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom. Social and business enterprise projects are some of the exciting plans SST has in mind for our students.

11 12

Character, Citizenship, Leadership & Life Skills (CCLL)This programme will nur ture dynamic leaders with critical thinking skills, sound moral values and a hear t to serve the community. Students may even go on overseas trips to work on community projects, a great oppor tunity to collaborate with their peers around the world and build up a better world view and strong leadership qualities.

Sports & WellnessGoing beyond games and exercise, the Spor ts & Wellness programme will integrate diet and nutrition, physical and health education. Students will learn healthy eating tips, and concepts of f itness and principles of training so that they can plan and implement their own f itness programmes. They will also acquire basic f irst aid skills and use hear t rate monitors to better understand their body and guide their training intensity. The programme will enable them to make a personal choice and commitment to lead a healthy and physically active lifestyle.

4. Environmental Science & Technology Explore the impact of human activities on the

environment. Discover how technology can be used to solve environmental problems. Students will experience real-world projects. For example, they may go on a f ield trip to Sungei Pandan to collect water samples, analyse them in the lab to see if the quality is suitable for recreational purposes, then recommend a suitable water treatment process.

5. Biotechnology Through fascinating lab-work, projects and site visits,

students will study the developments and applications of biotechnology in medicine, agriculture, bioengineering and bioremediation. Who knows, SST could groom a whiz kid who discovers a new antibiotic!

A Holistic Approach

Beyond the books, SST students can also look forward to these student development


13 14

Forget about chalk and talk. From social networks to collaborative tools like wikis and online spreadsheets, SST’s rich ICT-enabled environment will create a global classroom for its students!

SST will have purpose-built infrastructure, facilities and specialised labs to tap on Information Communication Technology (ICT) pervasively in its curriculum. Equipped with a computer each, students will enjoy exciting ICT-enabled learning experiences.

Their everyday learning experiences will encompass:

• Using network technologies, dynamic geometrical software applications and interactive applets to investigate and understand mathematical concepts.

• Tapping on high-end technology such as High-Performance Layer Chromatography and UV spectrophotometer to bring Science lessons to life.

• Adopting digital video and imaging technology in ADMT class.

• Utilising the Geographic Information System to discuss environmental issues in Humanities lessons.

• Par ticipating in online forums to gather multiple perspectives, and ref lecting through blogs to enhance communication skills in language learning.

The FutureSchools@Singapore programme provides another exciting platform for learning, where students interact and learn with avatars, and carry out investigation through par ticipation in vir tual environments simulating real life scenarios.

Technology @ SSTDigital natives will feel right at home on SST's high-tech campus.

Free e lectr ic ity v i a

So lar Tree

In 2010, the f irst batch of SST students attend classes at a temporary school site at 5 Clementi Avenue 6 (formerly Clementi Nor th Primary School), which has been refurbished with specialised labs and facilities.

Come January 2012, SST will open the doors to its spanking new campus located at the junction of Clementi Road and Commonwealth Avenue West. The high-tech campus with a ‘green hear t’ will feature cool gadgets like roof gardens with bio-retention ponds, eco cooling systems and solar panels that harness the sun’s power to light up the campus.

Welcome to SST's High-tech


15 16


At SST, we make

it our bus i ness to

nurture tomorrow ’ s

i n vent i ve m i nds and

show them the wor ld

i n a who le new way

Pastoral CareStudents can look forward to a strong suppor t network of

pastoral care programmes.A teacher will be assigned to each small group of students,

providing advice and guidance. A full-time school counsellor will offer specialist guidance

when needed.

Meet the

SST Team!Specially selected and intensively trained in applied learning pedagogy, the SST team is all geared up to groom a new generation of inventive learners.

17 18

How to Enrol in SST Excited to learn in a whole new way? Here' s how to join us at SST.

Student SelectionSST enrols all students through the Direct School Admission (DSA) exercise. For more information on the DSA exercise, please visit our website at or refer to the SST DSA leaf let.

Number of Students SST will admit up to 200 Sec 1 students star ting from 2010. From 2012, the school will also have a second entry point at Sec 3 and will accept up to 50 more Sec 3 students each year. This will allow late developers or students who discover their interests at a later age to transfer to SST.

School fees Singapore Citizens - $250 per monthPermanent Residents - $300 per monthForeigners - $500 per month

Financial HelpSimilar to other Independent Schools, the Government will provide heavy subsidies and f inancial assistance to ensure that the fees are affordable. SST students may apply for the Independent School Bursary and the MOE Edusave Scholarships, receiving subsidies of up to $2400 a year. In addition, SST will offer its own f inancial assistance schemes.

Students from low income families will not be disadvantaged from enrolling in the SST in any way.


Website: Tel: +65 6571 7200 Fax: +65 6872 0856 Email:

Getting to SST

Address: 5 Clementi Avenue 6 S(129 835)

Bus services: Along Clementi Avenue 6 (2 min walk): 185, 189 Along Commonwealth Avenue West (6 min walk): 52, 99, 105, 105B, 106, 173, 183, 188, 963, NR5, NR8 At Clementi interchange (15 min walk): 7, 14, 96, 99, 147, 156, 165, 166, 173, 175, 196, 282, 284, 285

Nearest MRT station: Clementi (15 min walk)

SST’s Permanent Campus from 2012

Address: Junction of Clementi Road and Commonwealth Avenue West

Bus services: Along Clementi Road: 52, 74, 74e, 151, 151e, 154, 165 Along Commonwealth Avenue West: 14, 74, 74e, 105, 147, 166, 185

Nearest MRT station: Dover

















onwealth Ave West


onwealth Ave West





ve 6






Jalan Lempeng







Ave 6




Nan Hua Pr School

Clementi BusInterchange


52, 99, 105, 105B, 106, 173, 183, 188, 963, NR5, NR8

185, 189

7, 14, 96, 99, 147, 156, 165, 166, 173, 175, 196, 282, 284, 285

19 20

Q: Applied learning seems to be a new, untested way of teaching. How can I be sure it will work?

A: Applied learning is not a new concept. More than 2,300 students have taken 60 over Advanced Elective Modules with emphasis on applied learning at secondary school level since 2007. Because of its success, popularity and relevance, MOE has offered three GCE ‘O’ Level Applied Subjects such as the Creative 3D Animation, Fundamentals of Electronic and Introduction to Enterprise Development.

Q: Is Primary Six too early an age to decide if a student has an interest in applied learning?

A: Based on MOE’s experience, there is a strong demand from students in taking up Applied Subjects and Advanced Elective Modules as par t of their secondary school curriculum. MOE’s consultations with teachers, parents and students, including those who are likely to progress to university, also show a growing demand for innovative, applied learning options. SST will give such students more choice in their learning pathway.

To determine if students are really suited to the applied style of learning, those who wish to enrol in SST will undergo a series of selection rounds. These include the Higher Ability Selection Test (HAST), a camp to evaluate their aptitude for applied learning, as well as assessment of their CCA involvement, student por tfolio, teacher’s recommendation, and interview, if necessary.

Get Your Questions About SST Answered !

Q: How will SST differ from other secondary schools that also offer Applied Subjects?

A: Unlike other secondary schools that only offer one Applied Subjects, the SST will adopt a whole-school approach towards applied learning. This means the entire educational context and philosophy of the school, including vision, mission, teaching, facilities, and student programmes will be designed to provide the best environment possible for applied learning.

SST is the f irst one-stop school where students can choose from the widest range of Applied Subjects. These are Media Studies (EL) and Fundamentals of Electronics, as well as three new ones (Design Studies, Biotechnology and Environmental Science & Technology). SST students can take up to 2 Applied Subjects while students at other schools can only take 1.

Regular ‘O’ Level subjects such as Mathematics will also be customised to emphasise real-world applications, taught using more applied teaching approaches such as investigative learning, problem-based learning or project work, so as to help students better appreciate the real-world relevance of what they learn. Keeping class sizes small at just 20 to 25 students also facilitates students’ development of process skills and learning through experimentation. Students will benef it from the close individualised attention, supervision, monitoring and formative assessment of the learning process.

More excitingly, SST students will enjoy enrichment programmes specially organised for them by NP and NTU, and even enjoy the learning exposures attachments at leading companies.

21 22

Q: How will SST be different from NUS High? How do parents or students decide if they should apply to SST or NUS High?

A: While both are Specialised Independent Schools targeting students with specialised talents or interests in various f ields, NUS High appeals to students with a strong interest in research in Science and Mathematics. Its students will embark on various independent research projects, one of which is a core requirement for graduation.

SST, on the other hand, will cater to top students who prefer an applied approach to learning, and who have a keen interest in applied areas related to technology, media and design. SST will emphasise real-world applications and project-based learning to help students better appreciate the real-world relevance of what they learn. This gives students a strong foundation to progress to either the junior colleges or polytechnics, and subsequently to university.

Q: Will SST’s applied learning approach cause my child to spend too much time on hands-on project work and not enough time on studying core academic ‘O’ Level subjects?

A: Applied learning is not just about hands-on project work. It is also a practical way of learning, teaching students to understand their textbook concepts more eff iciently by relating to real cases and situations. This makes learning authentic and builds more enduring knowledge.

While SST offers students a range of options in applied areas related to technology, media and design, it will continue to provide a strong foundation in the core subjects such as the Languages, Mathematics, Humanities and Science.

Where there is project work involved in the curriculum, SST will also be mindful to ensure that students’ workload remains manageable.

Q: What pathways can SST students choose after their ‘O’ Levels?

A: SST will prepare its students well for post-secondary education, whether in the junior colleges or polytechnics. Students enjoy the f lexibility to choose an appropriate combination of regular ‘O’ Level subjects and Applied Subjects. The applied learning approach will help students gain a strong foundation in academic concepts and competence in real-world applications, which will serve the students whatever they choose to do after secondary school.

Q: Can the Applied Subjects be recognised for JC admission?

A: Yes. Similar to the regular ‘O’ Level subjects, the Applied Subjects will be ref lected in the GCE ‘O’ Level Cer tif icate, and recognised for admission to junior colleges and polytechnics respectively.

Q: Will SST students’ exposure in applied learning be considered for credit exemption when they apply to the polytechnics?

A: SST students who wish to continue their post-secondary education in the polytechnics can apply for direct admission to the Polytechnics through the Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA) exercise. The Polytechnics will take into account the students’ exposure in applied learning areas. Students who have taken Applied Subjects may also be exempted from cer tain relevant polytechnic courses or modules.

Q: Will SST students be given priority in admission to NP and NTU?

A: Admission to NP and NTU continues to be merit-based and applicants from SST would be assessed alongside applicants from other schools. However, SST students will enjoy exclusive learning and mentorship oppor tunities with lecturers from these institutions.23 24

It was a tough decision for the family - SST or a much more established, already successful school and dad’s alma mater to boot? It was unanimously decided at a family conference that we would put our bets on SST. We relished the idea of being pioneers and the proposed curriculum was not only very attractive to Christian but suited to his strengths. One and a half months into school, and absolutely no regrets!We’re delighted at how he’s had wonderfulopportunities to shine and succeed and he’sreally motivated and happy.Monica Lim, Parent of Christian James Lim (S1-08)

I am very particular about learning methodologies and this is where SST has an advantage. SST emphasises on extensive hands-on activities and learning by discovery. SST’s vision towards global readiness will put my son at a competitive advantage for his future. Kelvin Ong, Parent of Justin Ong (S1-03)

SST has provided an excellent learning environment that allows our son to actively explore his interests and passions. We have seen him mature into a very responsible, independent and highly self-motivated individual in just a short span of two months. It’s heartening to hear him speak with such enthusiasmabout his learning journey in SST. Thank youSST for bringing such joy in him.Anisa Tyebally, Parent of Mikhael Tyebally (S1-06)


After f ive weeks of lesson, I began to appreciate the applied learning methodology that has become the hallmark of SST. Every exercise demands the students to analyse and synthesise. Yet SST is not only about producing a batch of bright students; emphasis is also given to moulding a generation of socially responsible and globally connected leaders. It is no wonder that SST is a cut abovethe rest! As a parent, I am very proud to be apart of the SST community Siti Hawa Samsuddin, Parent of Muhammad Hakeem (S1-04)

“Being pioneers is not a common opportunity.Be different. Entering any other school givescommon experiences, but being a pioneer in SSTis unique.” Kimberly Ong (S1-04)

“I chose SST because it offers me an alternative choice in my studies. The class size is also smaller which means more attention is given to each pupil. The teachers arefriendly and helpful. Lessons are also very engaging” Shamus Seng, (S1-01)

SST is futuristic, something different and unique, and a bit more adventurous. It is a new school, but why bother togo to an already established school when you cancreate history. A less travelled road is more challenging,but there will be more opportunities.” Arthur Lee (S1-04)

What parents and s tudents are say ing about SST!

25 26

www.sst All information correct at time of printing (April 2010)
